I kissed a girl

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A/N: A few heads up about this chapter: 1) yes, I know the song I put it wasn't out at the time the episode was aired, but I love the song and it fit the story-line, so let's just pretend hahah; 2) this one is a bit longer than usual, but it's kind of different from the episode because I really don't like how this whole thing was handled on the show, so I tried to make it the less uncomfy I could for myself. I still think Brittany should've been more involved, but I didn't know how to do it. 

Anyway... I hope you still like it, and I'm a bit nervous about this one, so any comments or feedback would be deeply appreciated. So... Thank you and enjoy!

"Quinn!" Piper called as she rushed after her girlfriend down the hallway, feeling her heart break everytime she heard a sob coming out of her mouth. "Quinn, please... Please, just talk to me, please..."

And, surprisingly enough, Quinn did stop, spinning around in her heels as she grabbed Piper by the wrist and pulled her inside the nearest empty classroom, locking the door behind them before falling straight into Piper's arms as she sobbed.

"Oh, bubby... Shh... Calm down..." Piper cooed, holding Quinn in her arms as she sat down slowly on the floor with her and allowed the girl to cry into her arms. "I'm here with you, bub... I've got you, it's okay, shh..."

"I can't believe this is happening like this..." She sobbed quietly as Piper rocked the two of them back and forth a bit as she hushed her gently. "I can't believe my mom is gonna find out like this, I... I can't believe I have no choice, I... I'm gonna lose her again. I'm gonna lose my mom again. I'll have nothing, I'll have no one..."

"That's not true." Piper shook her head then, placing both of her hands in Quinn's cheeks as she forced her girlfriend to look at her. "Listen to me, Quinn. You're not alone, okay? You'll have me, and you'll have my dad and you'll have all of your friends. You'll never be alone again, you understand me?"


"I love you, Quinn." Piper whispered as the girl whimpered a bit. "And I'm so, so sorry you're going through this, you... You didn't deserve this. You deserved a chance to choose. A chance to come out the way you wanted to, this... This is just wrong. But... But you're not alone, bub... I'm here. I'm right here, okay?"

At that, Quinn shook her head, closing her eyes for a second as she leaned away from Piper a bit. The freckled girl widened her eyes then, suddenly growing scared of Quinn's lack of response.

"Quinn..." She pleaded, as Quinn sobbed again. "Please say something."

"I... I... P, I'm... I'm so sorry." She whispered, getting up from the floor as she rushed out of the room. "I'm so sorry."

And as soon as she was out, Piper broke down properly, shoving her face in her hands as she sobbed and cried in the empty darkened room, already missing the way Quinn felt in her arms and absolutely terrified that she'd never have this feeling ever again.


"Hey! Did you hear about the glee lesson we're planning?"

At that, Piper sighed, closing her locker harshly as she turned to glare at Finn.

"Yes, I did." She said.

"And, hum... What did you think?" Finn hesitated a bit, never before having seen Piper act so harshly toward anyone before. She was usually very calm and very sweet, so, seeing her so angry was actually slightly terrifying.

"It's stupid." She spat at him as Finn frowned. "Just like the person who thought of it."

"Piper..." Finn called gently, sighing when the girl turned around to leave only to have him reach out to her as he grabbed her wrist. "Come on, P... I'm sorry."

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