Chapter Eight

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One Week after the Pravda-Europa Match - Europa Naval Hospital

In a medical room, the sounds of beeping indicated a patient was there: Alexander Steiner. Having undergone surgery and immediate skin grafting to cover the melted away flesh, he was laying there. And that was killing him. "How I would like to return to normal..."

The door opened, revealing a nurse. "Mister Steiner, you have a guest. Shiho Nishizumi. Should I allow her in?" Alex closed his eyes for a moment before nodding. "She is welcome." The nurse nodded before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

After several moments, the door was opened with the same nurse. "Miss Nishizumi, please try not to overburden him. He is still recovering from surgery." Shiho nodded before the nurse left, closing the door for privacy. The Nishizumi Matriarch sat down next to the Kommandant in silence.

After a moment, Alex opened his eyes, sending a slight glare towards the woman. "What do you wish to speak about, Headmistress Nishizumi. If there is nothing to say, then don't waste either of our times." His tone, despite his condition, was commanding and cold, showing no signs of pain.

Shiho sighed. "Do you think you can return to Tankery? I still long for that challenge that you boasted." Alex frowned before humming. "I would be at the field already if the doctors allowed it. But I will be available for service in another week. Why do you care about some heretic?"

Shiho felt the jab cutting deep, yet she didn't show it. "Your actions and command, let alone the skill, shows that nothing would hold you back. Kuromuromine wishes to witness it first hand. And, if you win, you would have my blessing."

Alex assumed a neutral face before nodding. "I hope you can give the Ghost Division a run for their money." Shiho smiled slightly before standing. "One more thing, Mister Steiner. The various commanders within Shensha-do are calling you the 'German Citadel', based on your duel with Nonna. So do not be surprised if others call you that."

Alex nodded before giving a slight smile. "Guten Tag, Frau Nishizumi." Shiho nodded before leaving, closing the door behind him. "'German Citadel', huh? Guess I'll accept it..." He closed his eyes as he focused on resting, allowing his body to continue recovering.

One Week later - Twilight, Europa's Tankery Field

Antoinette sighed as she looked over the new Polish-Soviet tanks that were replacing the Fireflies. "Guess the Italians will like the 'new' additions to their roster. No doubt Juliano likes the expansion of his forces."

The Poles were busy getting familiar with the new toys, with the rest of the crews working on their tanks, with one exception: The former crew of Erika. "She served well, but not everything lasts." Eugen sighed, before looking to the others. "When will our kommandant be available?"

Hans spoke up. "He was supposed to be released today, but if the doctors say he is to remain, we can't say a damned thing."

"That will not be necessary, Hans." A loud and commanding voice echoed. The crew turned to it and gasped at the man before them.

 The crew turned to it and gasped at the man before them

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(Not my art, but I thought it would be fitting.)

Hans and Eric nodded in approval of the new look, with Eugen and Helga taking slightly longer to process. "Kommandant? How do you feel?" Helga walked up to Alex, eyeing him for any signs of pain.

"I'm better, now that I got to stretch my legs. The doctors know what they are doing, but fuck me if they keep me back from my komrads and friends." Alex gave a slight smirk before assuming a neutral expression. "Come with me, I have something to show you."

The crew nodded as they followed their commander to a tarp, where something was hidden below it. The way the tarp laid indicated it was a tank, but the exact model was unidentifiable. "Want to see the new girl we command?" The crew nodded, with Alex turning around, gripping the tarp firmly.

With a quick series of tugs, the tarp was removed to reveal a Konigstiger (P), or Tiger II (P), the 8.8 cm KwK 43 L/71 gun glistening. "Here is the last Heavy produced by Germany. We will command her in the battle with KMM. Eugen, try not to throw the transmission. The design was heavily plagued with issues regarding it."

Eugen nodded as the crew clambered into the tank, Eugen taking several moments to fumble before cranking the tank up. Hans and Helga were enjoying their positions in the turret, with Eric admiring the radio.

Alex smiled slightly before resuming his neutral expression, stepping onto the front of the Konigstiger, which already caught the attention of the members of the tankery team. "BEACHTUNG!" The entire team came to a stop before murmuring amongst themselves, with many doubting who was infront of them. "Now, I know many of you were concerned for my well being. I'm ready to lead you to victory. But, we are going to be facing a force that has the same, if not more, tenacity than Pravda: Kuromuromine! They are an extremely German School, and it may give you the vibes of a certain period of history that all of your nations wish to forget. Do try to keep in mind that they do not teach such crimes here, and know nothing of the loss of life!"

"We will give them the battle that shows that we won't back down!" The team started cheering, with Alex continuing. "We represent Europe's best! None will hold us down! We may hit the floor, but we will never give! NEVER SURRENDER!!" The team shouted back. "NEVER SURRENDER!!!" "Dismissed!" The team saluted before returning to their duties, with Juliano and Antoinette walking up to the descending Kommandant.

"Damn, I thought you were an imposter, but that speech is certainly coming from the Alex I know." Juliano chuckled before turning to the new addition. "When did we get this?"

Alex smirked. "The night of the Match with Pravda. Was going to reveal it after the match, but you know what happened." The pair nodded before Antoinette raised a brow. "What are you going to name her?"

Alex turned around before a wide grin formed on his face. "The Citadel. She will not falter. I'm sure of it." The two exchanged a glance before looking back to Alex, how was emanating an aura of authority and decisiveness...

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