Chapter Two

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Three Weeks after the Convention

"So, we are going up against BC Freedom, who model themselves off the French Stereotypes from the Second World War. However, do not let the 'infighting' fool you. Our intel guys and gals have determined that they use that to fool opponents into overconfidence, despite not even making to the Semifinals. They use an FT-17 as their flag tank, with four ARL-44s and four S. 35s. We are all familiar with the 44s, but the brief rundown of the S.35s." Alex stated, giving the power point on BC. "It is an interwar medium from France, designed for infantry support, as were all tanks, outside of Germany, were roughly designed for. It is only a threat to our heavies if they get to our sides or rear, so I want our Mediums and Lights to cover the flanks, while the Heavies take center point. But, if you do find the FT, tell the rest of the team before engaging. It will most likely be protected by one each of the other two tanks fielded, so a single tank engaging is rather risky and brash."

Juliano raised his hand. "What about us? Are we taking up the role of scouts? And if so, what are our rules of engagement if we are spotted?"

Alex nodded before smirking. "Try to remain unspotted. But, if you are, lure them towards our center. We can envelop them. Remember, we trained for eliminations, not flags. So use that training to get to the enemy flag tank, even if it means eliminating their entire team. Any other questions?"

Everyone shook their heads. "Very well. We will now head to the match area. However, we will join you at the starting area after meeting with the opponents' leadership." Everyone saluted before walk away, with Antoinette remaining behind. "I assume that we will use the Staff Car."

Alex nodded as the pair entered the vehicle, Antoinette sighed. "I'm not a fan of knockoffs..." Alex snickered. "Mmhm..."

At the meeting place, the Europeans exited the car before walking up to a trio: Maria, Oshida, and Andou. Three judges stood off to the side with a woman in a JSDF uniform, Ami Chono. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. We are here to witness the match between BC Freedom Academy and Europa's Academy of Military Arts! Students, bow!" Andou and Oshida bowed deeply, with Maria giving a slight nod, and Alex and Antoinette giving a salute. Chono noted the salute before nodding. "Return to your starting areas. The match begins in 15 minutes." Alex nodded before they climbed back into the staff car, driving off.

Ten minutes of driving later, the pair walk up to their tanks. "Right, we got five minutes! Final checks!" Everyone moved as Alex climbed into Erika, smirking down at Hans. "Everyone ready? We going against some competent forces."

Hans nodded. "All set! Just awaiting the order!" Alex nodded, closing his eyes as he played different scenarios

In the stands, Shiho, Maho, and one more woman sat in the observation stand. "Their lineup reminds me of Ooraii's, just more powerful." Maho stated, keeping a neutral expression. The woman scoffed. "Doubt they could beat us! The best they have is the Tiger 1, and they only have two!"

Shiho looked to the woman. "Erika, we are here to observe. Plus, if they can push back BC, then they have a viable chance against us."

Erika scowled, crossing her arms. "Still, I'm uneasy that they are allowing males into their team. I wonder if it is a boon, or a hindrance."

Shiho and Maho remained silent, as the match started.

Alex sighed, giving a slight smirk. "Continue as planned. All Tanks, advance!" The European Formation rumbled forward as the AB 43 rushed forward, and the Shermans and Fireflies, divided equally, moved ahead along the flanks. The ARL 44s and Tiger 1s moved forward, with Erika and Antoinette's M4A4, Paris, leading the charge.

After several moments of advancing, the radio crackled to life. "Commander, we have spotted the FT, along with one of each tank! Position is A5!" Alex smirked before responding. "Keep them spotted. All forces, begin to advance upon A5! Once you are there, you are free to engage. But be aware of any ambushes. They are most likely looking to flank." A series of affirmatives came through as the Heavies picked up their pace, kicking up more dust.

A few moments of riding, several low caliber shots bounced off the heavies. "Halt! Select your targets!" The various European tanks halted before the ARL-44s and M4A4 aimed towards the BC mediums. "All yours, Paris." The guns roared after the formation was peppered some more, the shells slamming into the three S. 35s, sending them back as they were knocked out.

"Why they chose to use such poor tanks in any match is beyond me..." Antoinette mused before Alex's voice came through. "These hedges do offer some protection from being spotted. They were most likely sent to ambush us. But with those cards out of the play, it means all barrels are going to hurt even us."  Antoinette chuckled. "Luckily, we have trained with ARLs."

The distant firing of guns alerted the two to the engagement between the other BC elements and Europa's forces. "Report!" The radio crackled after more cannons went off. "Commander, the FT escaped, but we are facing the entire ARL force. Requesting permission to chase. Also, the S. 35 that was defending was eliminated."  Alex hummed. "Granted, Juliano. End it!"

The heavy formation moved forward now, the dull roar of the battle growing louder. Alex didn't like the sound of it before motioning for his driver to increase pace. When the formation came out of the hedges, the scene in front was something Alex was somewhat expecting.

All the Panzer IVs were disabled, with two ARLs 44 next to them. All the M4s were disabled with the Fireflies still engaging the remaining ARLs. Alex sighed before nodding. "Form firing line! We eliminate the-" "BC flag tank has been eliminated, Europa Academy wins!" Alex smirked before leaning back. "All units, stand down. We have won. Return to base." The formation broke up as several recovery trucks came up to take the knocked out forces.

In the observation area, the three women looked on in either amusement or shock. "Despite his losses, he used the divided nature of BC against them." Maho mused. "They got lucky!" Erika shouted before Shiho sighed. "Perhaps he is worthy. From the looks of it, he keeps his heavies together and allows the others some freedom to engage at will, as if it was planned."

Maho hummed. "Yes, but it was probably was. From what we have been able to gather, they also spar often against each other via their nationality."

Alex was exiting his Tiger before Maria walked up. "I'm honestly surprised that you don't fight each other in the match. We were counting on that."

Alex laughed. "We get it out of our system when we train. Plus, having a well rounded force has more potential."

Maria smiled before nodding. "Good luck, Mister Steiner."

Alex gave a salute. "Danke. But it will all come down to skill."

The two shared a laugh before they went their separate ways, either savoring their victory or reminiscing on how they lost.//

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