Chapter Five

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Alex relaxed in his copula, noting the new additions of the Panzer IIIs, Stuart, and Crusader, before looking at Juliano. "Are they ready for their new role?"

The Italian laughed. "Commander, they are as ready as they can be! They mostly are willing to zip ahead and engage those pesky tea-drinkers in their own Crusaders!" Alex nodded before smirking. "They are in your care, then, Captain."

Juliano smiled at his promotion before jogging to his AB 43. "Antie, can we get going? I want to smash these Brits utterly." The French woman blinked before nodding, noting the menacing aura around Alex. They clambered into the car before they drove down to the meeting area.

"They beat BC Freedom, so  they are a credible threat. But we know their roster, which makes it easier." Darjeeling smiled, with Orange Pekoe blinking slightly. They soon saw a German Staff Car drive up with both officers exiting.

"Commander Darjeeling, kommandant. What do I owe the pleasure?" Darjeeling smiled. Alex, frowning, walked up to her, getting awfully close to her face. "Someone takes the stereotype of Britain too seriously... Too elegant... to... posh. No place on the field."

Darjeeling stood her ground before retorting in her charming way. "The path to Hell is paved with good intentions."

Alex smirked before backing up. "Yet, you stand being outgunned, with your intelligence relegated to the witnessing of our matches. Yet we know how you will behave. Formations screened by ill-disciplined force of light tanks meant for scouting. Yet something tells me you have a trick or two... We shall see if it will be enough." He gave a slight bow before walking back to the staff car.

Antoinette sighed. "He's... let me put it this way. He doesn't like they fact that some people do not take the matches seriously by 'parading' with elegance. He still sees these machines as machines of war, to which injuries and death can be abound if one isn't careful. Just... good luck."

Darjeeling and Pekoe raised a brow before nodding. "I hope such judgement isn't clouded." The pair bowed before leaving to their side.

Antoinette got into the staff car before the pair drove back to their forces. "Why do I have a feeling you are going to lose it, Alex?" The man didn't respond, his aura extremely menacing.

Fifteen minutes later, the sound of a pompom going off announced the beginning of the match. "All forces advance! Plan of engagement stands!" Alex commanded, the lights and mediums relegated to the scouting and screening, zipped ahead as the remaining tanks maintained a formation, with Erika rumbling at the lead.

Off in the distance, Juliano was leading the Panzer III and Stuart while he allowed the other Panzer and Crusader to rush to another location. His hair was flowing behind him, having grown it out over the past few months.

Next thing he knew, his AB 43 slammed into a Saint Gloriana Crusader. A redhead poked her head out of the turret before staring at Juliano. The Italian, for his part, stared back before kicking his gunner, whom shot the Crusader at point blank. The force of the shot sent the Crusader back a few feet with Rosehip blinking and trying to wrap her head around what just happened.

Another Saint Gloriana Crusader burst through a bush, slamming into the European Crusader. A quick shot sent the European Crusader into a spin before its flag popped up, indicating it was knocked out. The Gloriana Crusader got shot by the Panzer III for its assault. Juliano was commanding his AB 43 to move when a shot hit it in the side from a third Crusader, which was shot from the rear by the Remaining Panzer III, which rushed to the action, its barrel smoking.

Juliano nodded before picking up the comm. "Commander, we stumbled upon their scout force. We eliminated it, but we only have the Panzers crewed by the Poles left. Your orders for them?" Alex's voice came through with an authoritative tone. "I want the Panzers to scout behind the enemy lines! I have a bad feeling that they have a surprise for us!" The Panzers rushed to the flanks to get around the main force before going hunting.

Rosehip got out of her tank before walking up to Juliano. "My my! You are quite the fast one! We were trying to cross your front without the risk of ramming." Juliano laughed before sighing. "We didn't even know where you were. But your entire force is gone, and the Commander now has the info advantage." Rosehip nodded as the crews intermingled.

Darjeeling, on the other hand, was frowning. "So, it appears that they got some new additions to their scouting force.... Miss O'hare, be alert. You may be hunted by the enemy scout force." "Roger that, Lady Darjeeling." The comm went dead as the formation of Matildas and the single Churchill moved forward.

In the European Formation, Alex was staring down at a map, his face scrunched up in a frown. Antoinette was looking at him with concern. Maybe the intervention ignited a drive... to impress.... She sighed, resuming her lookout for the Saint Gloriana Formation.

Whistling brought both tankers to their senses before the ground erupted around them. Alex's eyes went wide. Artillery.... those bitches! He picked up his comm before closing the copula. "Scout force! Eliminate those SPGs! Formation, hasten the pace! We must engage their main force and intermingle with them! And humiliate them for using Artillery in Tankery!"

The formation roared forward as the artillery ceased firing, most likely to gain new fire coordinates and reload their guns.

Darjeeling noted the artillery before smiling. "That should have knocked out at least one..." To her horror, the European formation crested the hill, only signs of the artillery shelling was dirt on top of the tanks. "All forces, open fire!" The 5 pounders and 17 pounders fired, with the shells bouncing off or being shattered on the armor.

Alex stood halfway out of the turret before the formation got extremely close to the formation, all the tanks, except Erika, fired into the formation, eliminating the infantry tanks except the Churchill. Darjeeling blinked before frowning. "He wants us  to be the last ones to be eliminated..."

Off in the distance, two echoes of cannons  going off signified the elimination of two M7 Priests that were modified. Darjeeling stood in her copula, looking directly into Alex's eyes, with the later giving a soulless glare in return. "Feuer..." The 88mm roared, slamming into the side of the Churchill, knocking it out.

"Saint Gloriana's Flag Tank has been eliminated! Europa Academy wins!"

Alex maintained his soulless glare before he gave the order for his team to return to the carrier. Darjeeling kept her composer before he went out of sight, sitting down in the Churchill and placing her head in her hands, crying silently as Assam and Pekoe comforting her to the best of their abilities....

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