{Victor Zsasz} No Means No Pt2

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Trigger warning:
Mentions of sexual assault and r@pe.
If you are struggling or in a similar situation please contact Rape Crisis Centres throughout the UK and can be contacted on 01708 765200 or by email to info@supportline.org.uk. See part 1 for more details.

My chest felt tight.

I was emotionless.

I looked at penguin and before he could say anything I left the room.

I ran to find Zsasz.

He was sat with his head in his hands on the bathroom floor.

I walked in and locked the door.

I saw the blood on his knuckles and up the walls.

I sat in front of him and crossed my legs trying to reduce the pain in my lower body.

He didn't move or even look up.

I wanted to say something but I couldn't.

I cried.

"I'm so so sorry" he cried and lifted his head up to look at me, "I should have been there to protect you I should be out there right now trying to kill that bastard" he shouted about to hit his knuckle against the wall.

I grabbed it before he could do it.

He looked at me.

"But your not because you know that if the last thing I would want right now" I whispered.

I got up and grabbed a tissue and wet it before sitting back down and grabbing his hand.

I pressed the tissue against the bleeding marks on his knuckles.

We didn't speak we just stared at each other's hands.

Neither of us knew what to say it was quite scary considering we talk so much.

"Y/N I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" I whispered back.

"Who else knows" he asked.

"Lee and the police" i admitted.

"That's why you wanted me to drop you off" he sighed in relief and pulled me close to him and hugged me tightly.

He rested his head on the top of mine I pressed my head on his chest and fell asleep listening to heart beat.

I woke up a few hours later in our bed alone.

my whole lower body bruised and in pain still.

"Woahhh careful baby" Victor said running in the door with packs of ice.

"I spoke to Lee and she said they have all the photographic evidence so I was okay to help you lose the swelling I didn't know how to do I brought Ice" he explained.

I smiled at him.

"Is there anything you want? Anything you need my love" he asked, worry still in his eyes.

"I want you to promise me you won't go out causing trouble and you'll let the police deal with my case" I said to him holding his hand.

He wasn't impressed, he wanted to get revenge.

But still he nodded.

"Penguin says sorry" Victor said.

"It's fine I understand" I said back.

"I'll kill him if you want you know" Victor exclaimed wanting to get his anger out in anyway possible.

"I know baby" I said caressing his check with my thumb trying to calm him.

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