Chapter 14 Missed Direction

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Tucker: Junior! Junior! Hey, Junior, where'd you go?

Tucker searched for the baby alien around the base.

Junior: Honk!

Tucker: There you are.

He was right at the entrance to the base.

Junior: Honk.

Tucker: You little rascal.

On the other side of the wall, Ruby and Sister were doing the examination. The yellow soldiers armor was on the ground, leaving her naked. Kaikaina had bright blonde hair and tan skin.

Ruby: *sighs* Alright, anything else I should know?

Kaikaina: You know about all the ways I'm contagious, so. . .

Tucker stayed on the other side of the wall, but still saw Kaikaina's shedded armors

Tucker: Hey, what's going on here?

Kaikaina: Oh, I'm color blind!

Ruby: Oh thank god it's something not absolutely insane. Okay, that shouldn't cause any problems. Alright, reach for your toes.

Kaikaina: Like this?

Ruby was pleasantly surprised that she was able to do so with little difficulty at all.

Ruby: Oh, that's great. Perfect.

Kaikaina: I know! Check this out!

Ruby: Uh, I don't think a leg is supposed to bend that far.

Kaikaina: I don't know, I've always been able to do it.

Ruby: I guess I should write down quadruple jointed. . . . Okay, stand up straight. I need to get your height and weight.

As Kaikaina did so, the idiot around the corner made himself known.

Tucker: Hey, do you guys need any help in there?

Kaikaina: Huh? Is some spying on us? Yes! Hot!

Ruby: Tucker, if you round that corner, I'm going to castrate you. And Kaikaina, we're having a discussion on privacy after this too.

Ruby measured Sister's height and realized she was an inch or two taller than the younger soldier. After getting her weight, Ruby also realized she was slightly below average.

Ruby: Are you old enough for the military?

Kaikaina: Is eighteen old enough?

Ruby: Yes.

Kaikaina: Then yeah.

The magenta girl sighed.

Tucker: I could just walk around this corner if you need me to. It wouldn't be a problem.

Ruby: Tucker, leave. Now Kaikaina, arms outstretched, I need to measure from finger to finger.

Kaikaina: Okay. Geez, I feel so free without that stupid armor.

Ruby: Eh, my undersuits pretty comfortable. I could get you one if you'd like?

Kaikaina: Oh, sure thanks.

Tucker: Maybe I should just look in there and see if there's anything I should do.

Ruby: Stop trying Tucker, it's not going to work!

Tucker: *mumbles* Great.

Junior: Honk!

Tucker: Don't rub it in.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season FiveWhere stories live. Discover now