Chapter 4 Sibling Arrivalries

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Voicemail: To hear these options in Spanish, press dos.

Church: I HATE YOU.

The thing finally beeped!

Church: Vic, it's Church! I need-

Voicemail: I'm sorry, but this person's voicemail box is full.

Church: *growls* I'm gonna kill myself. I'm gonna kill myself.

Doc: Uhh, what was all that about?

Church: Doc, we are royally screwed. Half our team is down, and I thin-

Doc: No, it's not, look! Caboose is already back in action!

Caboose wandered out of the base.

Caboose: I'm okay, I'm okay.

He then collapsed outside.

Caboose: I'm not okay!

Doc: He's fine.

Church: Like I was saying, half the team is down, and the half that's left sucks. So all the Reds need to do is attack us and we're dead.

Baby Alien: Hurnk!

Church: Oh right, and I have to kill this fucking thing.

Caboose: Also, I see a big ship! Now I know I'm hallucinating!

Church: Oh, and I forgot that part! The Reds also have an enormous ship that was sent by their command. Probably has a huge fucking weapon on it, like a nuke, or a biological weapon that's gonna melt our skin, or a genetic weapon that's gonna make everyone in Blue armor sterile. Awesome.

Doc: Hmm, maybe this isn't the best time to remind you that technically, I'm neutral in this conflict.

Church: Doc, I don't think this situation can get much worse. I mean, the ship is bad enough, but god knows what kind of reinforcements they have in that thing! Could be a whole new squad! Or a freelancer! Another Ruby! Or-

*With the Reds*

Simmons: Grif's sister?!

Kaikaina: Yeah, isn't that cool?

Sarge: You know, I always knew there was a genetic possibility that Grif would have blood relatives, but I always held onto the hope that he was a HORRIBLE byproduct of an experiment at a turd manufacturing plant!

Grif: Go. Home.

Kaikaina: What?!

Grif: Go home, right now! Get in your ship, uncrash it, and fly it home.

Kaikaina: Whatever, make me!

Grif: As much as I don't wanna spoil my reputation as a do-nothing slacker, I will not hesitate to beat you senseless and drop you in that ship myself.

Kaikaina: I thought you would be happy to see me!

Grif: How did you even get here? We're in the future!

Simmons: Hmm, I think I know how. Did you use your hyperdrive to get here, or just the lightdrive?

Kaikaina: Which one is the hippie-drive? Is that the one with all the knobs? Or is it the other one? With all the knobs. . .

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