Out of Mind (5)

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The teleporter opened up as the three freelancer loaded their weapons. Ruby equipped her SMG while Tex and York readied their Battle Rifles.

Tex: Okay, I'll take the lead. Give me fifteen seconds and then follow, sync?

York: Sync.

Ruby: Is it Synced or Sync? Oh, Sync!

Tex jumped through the teleporter.

York: Need you to stay tight D, watch my bad side.

Delta: Of course, watching left. Execute in three. . . two. . . one. . . execute. Delta, good luck.

York: Thanks. You ready?

Ruby: Nervous, but ready as can be. Let's go!

The two rushed forward and came out the other side to and immediately kept on running! They were under heavy fire from the hired reds and blues! They took cover!

York: Tex, sitrep!

Tex: Five of them at three six three O!

Delta began calculating as Tex popped out and shot one of the Blues down! Wyoming fired his sniper and forced her behind cover!

Tex: Next up three, One down! One at my foot!

Delta: Problem, Beta and small explosives needed.

York: Ace?

Ruby tried to peak up to open fire, but Wyoming nearly blew her head off!

Ruby: Crap! Yeah, an explosion sounds really good right about now!

Tex: Y! Stop thinking, go below! Ruby, covering fire!

York: Copy!

Ruby: On it!

She stuck only her SMG up and held the trigger down, making the enemies take cover, however it didn't stop their firing!

Tex: Next reload, we're gonna split up, you go Bravo! Ruby, with him!

York: Copy. D, need a speaker for mark.

Delta: Speaker active.

Tex: Copy.

The one remaining red dropped his mags and began reloading!

Delta/Tex: Mark!

Ruby and York popped out of cover and shot down the red! Tex dashed towards Wyoming and fired while her two allies moved up! Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst!

Tex: Dammit! Jam! Cover, cover Cover!

Tex dashed behind a wall while Wyoming took aim with a Battle Rifle!

Delta: Alarm!

Wyoming fired a burst towards Ruby! Allison's eyes traced the three shots as time slowed. . . . A force suddenly pushed Ruby aside!

York: AAAGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ruby: NO!!!!!!!

She immediately drew her SMG and fired at Wyoming, a few bullets grazing his shoulder and one entering! He was forced behind cover as Tex rushed over to where York landed!

Tex: York, are you okay?!

York: D-Damn it!

Tex: D, Info. Ruby, keep him off us!

Delta: York has sustained three wounds to his upper-right chest. Recommend evac stat.

York: Just need a minute. . . . *groans*

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season FiveWhere stories live. Discover now