You Are My Sunshine

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I was laying in the bed with Sunny on my chest rubbing her back, trying to get her to go to sleep. I was quietly singing You Are My Sunshine to her. Bran came in while I was singing and stood in the doorway. As soon as I finished he decided he wanted to make the process a little harder.

"Remix!" He yelled and he started banging on the wall making a beat. He thought he'd step out of his element and try to rap. Of course with the noise and him rapping Sunny sat up and started looking around and bouncing all over me. She always got excited when Brandon was around.

"Really? Why would you do that? Here you put her to sleep." I said motioning for him to come get her.

"Sorry." He laughed as he crawled in the bed with us and took Sunny from me.

"It's not funny, Bran. You know she gets excited when you come around and she was already fighting her sleep."

"She loves her daddy. What can I say?" He lifted her up and pretended to bite her stomach.

"Bran, it's sleep time, not play time."

"Mama's a hater, huh?" He asked her laying her down on his chest.

"Oh hush." I said as I got up to go get a drink of water and make sure Bran had locked up. He had a habit of leaving doors unlocked. I could hear him singing You Are My Sunshine to her again. When I came back Bran was laying in bed watching TV with his arm behind his head.

"I know she didn't go to sleep that quick."

"Oh, but she did. What can I say? I have the magic touch." He looked at me and smiled.

"Whatever. We were doing fine until you wanted to pretend that you got bars."

"You remember that when I'm on BET with big booty girls."

"Goodnight. I'm not about to play with you." I laughed at him pulling out my iPad so I could finalize some plans for an event that I had coming up.

"Don't forget that I'm going in early tomorrow we have a big pitch and I have some things that I need to finish up with the presentation." He said picking up the remote and turning to something on the animal channel.

"Okay. I'll make sure you have breakfast before you leave."

"Thanks, baby mama."

"Go to sleep." I rolled my eyes at him. "Bran?" I called as I put my iPad away.

"Hmm?" He answered looking from the TV.

"Can you sing me a song?" I adjusted my pillow.

"You better find a YouTube video. I'm not your personal jukebox."

"Bran, come on." I whined.

"Do you have to whine? What you want to hear?" He turned the TV and lights off.

"I feel like being churchy."

"You ready?" He asked clearing his throat.

"Mmhmm. Go ahead."

"Accept what God allows, even when you don't understand. Accept every trial. Accept even now, He'll give you a smile. Put it in His hands he has a master plan."

That was one of my favorite songs and it fit my situation perfectly. If God allowed it to happen there had to be a reason behind it. I know some situations I put myself in, but I knew God would help me through it all. I closed my eyes to keep the tears from falling. I had to accept whatever was God's will.

"Night, Cammy. I love you."

"Night. I love you, too."

I woke up at about three to go to the bathroom. Aniya wasn't sleeping completely through the night yet and she usually woke up at about that time for a bottle and would go back to sleep. I went to her room and stood there watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful, but something didn't feel right. I looked at her and noticed that there was no rise and fall of her small chest. My heart dropped to my stomach as I feared the worst.

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