Chapter 33

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"Scarlett, go with them!" Greyson shouted to me. No! My brain shouted back. I dug my nails into his arm, I couldn't let go. 

"Listen to me, go with them to the underground bunker! Our pack members need you Scarlett.  Keep the children and those who can't fight calm." he pleaded. No, not without him, my eyes watered.

"No, Greyson! I can't leave without you! " I shouted as his warriors pulled me in a different direction.

"Scarlett, please, I couldn't live if something happened to you. I need you to be safe in order to protect us. Please, I need to know my mate is safe" he then leaned in and kissed me hard, full of everything we have felt for each other since the beginning.

"I know humans love differently but I love you Scarlett. So much. Now go now!" as he shifted, not giving me a chance to reply or not reply. I don't know how I felt. I know it would kill me if something happened to him. Is that what real love felt like? Or the mate bond crushing against me?

Three pack warriors rushed me into the pack house and to a back room as people all around me shifted into werewolves, running in the same direction as their Alpha.

"Get the Luna to the bunker, hurry, it's vampires. They are inside the house" a woman in her late 60's yelled as she hurried us to bookcase. She tapped it three times and pulled out a book and the book shelf moved, revealing a door.

A loud scream erupted the air, panic exploded throughout my body. 

"Go help, I've got the Luna" the woman said as she pushed me to the door. The pack warriors nodded as they bowed to me before running off. 

"Go Luna! Go!" she hurried me through. She shut the door behind us, leaving us in a pitch black hallway. I stuck my hands out in front of me, trying to feel my way around.

"Keep walking straight Luna, we are almost there." the woman directed. I kept walking forward until a dim lamp lit up a metal door. It kind of looked like those watertight doors you would see at the bottom of a ship. Ironically, the wheel handles on the doors are called dogs, I almost laughed at the irony of who's home I was currently in. Instead fear tickled my skin, vampires were attacking, was this door supposed to serve as protection?

 The woman squeezed in front of me as she pulled the wheel around in a pattern until it opened with a loud creak. I looked back to make sure no one was following us. 

"Beyond the bookshelf, it is all sound proof down here." the woman's voice pulled my attention back to the front of me. 

"Come on Luna, hurry inside" she held the door for me. I hesitantly peered around the door before fully entering.

 Inside it was full of women, children and the elderly. In the mix of werewolves, there stood Adam and Travis looking terrified.

"Oh thank god you guys are okay" I said as I rushed to the guys pulling them into a hug. All around me the people slowly fell into a bow. Quietly whispering Luna.

"Oh no, please I'm not your Lu-"

"Shhh child, don't break their hope. Not in a time like this. They need you as their leader right now. After the battle you can do what you want, but right now they need you." the woman whispered to me. Taking in her words I slightly bowed back, feeling unsure of what to do.

"What is happening?" I turned to the woman.

"It looks like a vampire attack. It is rare and out of their character to attack wolves. Unlike popular belief, our species do not hate each other. We just don't bother with each other. The last vampire attack was back before Greyson became Alpha. Even with that, they hadn't attacked alone. " she looked confused. The  night Greyson's parents and sister were murdered. 

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