Chapter 3

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This morning we had a quidditch match against Slytherin, we won thanks to the new kid, Harry freaking Potter, what a seeker, really sharp eyed, good on a broom and tiny compared to the other players.

I woke up early, I always do on quidditch mornings. I took a shower, ran the tactic in my head, prepared my clothes , thought the tactic through again, rearranged the clothes ...
And then all of a sudden Percy says, I hadn't even noticed he was awake, "Take it easy Oliver, it's gonna be great!"
This boy has literally never spoken about quidditch, he sees the matches and cheers for Gryffindor, but he doesn't care one bit for the sport.
I looked at him with what must have been a weird look, because he looked down and mumbled something I couldn't really hear. I immediately regretted that I had looked at him liked that and rushed over to his bed.
And then I got really confused because what were I doing there? I stood up again and walked away. But I also regretted that decision and walked back and sat down beside him. Percy looked like he had eaten a Bertie Bott and couldn't make out if it was good or bad.
But then he shrugged, and started laughing, a big grin that showed all his teeth. His eyes became full of joy and sparkles, I shivered, he really was beautiful.

And then, I can almost not believe it happened, he pulled me in to a hug, he did it with such a strength that I lost control and just fell right on him. I could feel his thin, long body underneath mine, warm from the bed.
I was so close to him, that I could feel his breath on my neck, and then I lost my own for a moment.
Then he started to tickle me, flipped me over and sat cross legged on me. I twisted and tried to tickle back, but he was the superior.
Then he stopped and gazed into my eyes with something that looked like happiness.
We caught our breaths; my face was one big grin. But all of a sudden, he stood up, and started to walk away from me towards the bathroom, "You should get ready for your match." He said without even looking at me, then he closed the bathroom door and locked it, which is unusual for him when I'm already in the room.

I stayed there in his bed for a minute, inhaled the smell of him and then got up and walked out with my quidditch drapes.

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