Chapter 2

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I couldn't sleep last night, I just kept on turning to find the correct possession to sleep in, but the sleep just never really came. Percy was fast asleep. But I just kept thinking, thinking, thinking. For the last two years I have had a crush on Angelina Johnson, she is a year younger than me, we play quidditch together. She is sweet, funny, pretty, the stereotypical crush. But when I returned this year, to Hogwarts, I looked at her and was truly happy to see her, but I didn't get that rush of adrenalin I normally got.
No that was saved to when I saw Percy getting ready a couple of days later. It was the third day of school this year, we're under a lot pressure this year because of the O.W.L.s.
I was coming out from the bathroom after a morning shower. When I walked in Percy was bending over his trunk, wearing only pants, looking for his shirt and tie. I got really flummoxed and bunked into the bathroom door that had closed behind me. Percy looked up because of the sound it made, now with the shirt in his hand, but certainly not on his torso, where it should be. Or should it? His body was really pretty without...
He looked at me with a strange gaze. And I just stood there staring at him. I bumped into the door again, said sorry, even though I wasn't sure if it was to the door or to him. He looked at me like I had two heads and then put on his shirt. He was so elegant while doing it, but when he started button it up, all I could do were to wish for him to take it off again.

These were the sort of thoughts I had, while not being able to sleep. Percy was there in the bed right next to me having no idea of the confusion he was causing me.

In the morning, he woke me up, he sat on the side of me bed and stroked me softly. I opened my eyes and looked at him, I couldn't resist a smile, he smiled back and said with a soft voice, "Good morning, are you coming to breakfast?" I nodded and got up on my elbow. "Good" he said, still smiling, "I'm going to help some of the first years, but I'll see you there." He smiled once more and left. He was in a weirdly good mood, he usually wasn't like that at all, but I do indeed not mind it.

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