Within the Night

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The ends leading to new beginnings.

The dungeons smelled of rotting flesh and spoiled food, the floors dank with water leaking from the ceiling

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The dungeons smelled of rotting flesh and spoiled food, the floors dank with water leaking from the ceiling. Not a lick of sunlight filtered into the place. Cracks in the concrete walls made way for weeds, stubbornly growing despite the less-than-ideal conditions. There was a metaphor somewhere in that sentiment, but truth be told, Astraea didn't care in the slightest.

She walked the halls like a ghost, her feet barely touching the ground and her long, silver cape billowing behind her. As she passed cells, the inhabitants wrapped their grimy fingers around the iron bars and stared out at her in wonder. An inexplainable aura surrounded Astraea, her face set in determination as she turned corners, drawing the eyes of every person she came across. She instilled a sense of hope in the prisoners, a warmth that spread from their chests to every part of their body. Such were the effects of being a goddess, though.

Astraea rounded her last corner and came to a stop in front of the cell at the end of the hallway. She peered in, folding her hands in front of her.


The woman in the cell snapped her head to Astraea. She grinned widely, struggling to her feet against the shackles bound around her ankles.

"Astraea! What a delight it is to see you here of all places."

Astraea did not return the woman's formalities. She simply waved her hand slightly, shaking her head. "I cannot believe you. Some nerve you have."

Verena scowled. "Come on, Astra. You know I've always been ambitious. We've known each other decades now."

She glared at the cell-bound woman. Her delicate brown curls fell around her shoulders, the once-elegant dress she wore tattered and muddy.

"We hardly got along," Astraea said, crossing her arms over her chest.

The barest of smiles tugged at Verena's lips. "I suppose that's true." She raised a single brow, leaning against the dank wall of the cell. She observed the woman shrouded in silver and white. "Well, get on with it."

"What exactly do you think I'm here to do?"

A shrug. "Curse me. Take away my power, my influence. Maybe even kill me." She paused. "You'd be doing the council a great favor if you killed me."

Astraea scrunched her nose, teeth worrying her bottom lip. She let out a sigh. "I'm not here to kill you."

"Oh?" Verena pushed herself from the cell wall, shuffling awkwardly to stand opposite Astraea. "The goddess of the night isn't here to punish me for my wrongs?"

Astraea bit her lip. "I never said I wouldn't punish you."

A laugh bubbled out of Verena's red lips. "There it is." She fluffed her ruined skirts before looking back to Astraea, who had yet to move. "What'll it be? Damnation? Steal my powers? Curse me to be one of your pretty stars up in the night sky?"

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