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We're all puzzle pieces.

Part of this grander picture,

in which we can only see in fractions,

and even those fractions we can only see

if viewed as the past,

A distant memory.

Yet we some how keep trying to

fit everything together.

To figure out the future before its the past,

but it never works...

instead I'm falling over like dominoes,

Then panic arises

and you're back to the beginning

wondering if your piece is even part of this story

feeling like a block being shoved into a circle

You Knew You NEVER belonged!

So you cut off the edges

trying to be a part of

a corrupted picture

in which You have no invitation in.

And you're left alone again

because even your forgery

was Never good enough...

So you may not be able to see the whole picture,

but you already know where you lie...

Broken PuzzleWhere stories live. Discover now