chapter five

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"But why are you such an ass?" Sasuke rubbed his arm as we walked down towards the bathroom. He had slept during the entirety of Kakashi's class, ignoring my small nudges as I tried to get his attention, finally getting it as I punched his arm and demanded he show me where the bathrooms were.

'I didn't hit you that hard, stop whining.'

He frowned but kept walking and stopped before the bathrooms. "Here, do you need assistance?" He winked.

I'm sorry, did he just wink at me?
"I know you heard me back in first period." He leaned in, glancing behind my shoulder then pushing me inside the bathrooms. "I bet you're thinking about it too, huh?"

My gods, he's a sociopath.

'Actually no—"

"Cut the crap, you know I want you, and I know you feel the same."

Please, anybody, walk in and interrupt this mad man.

He was cornering me into the corner of the restrooms, leaving no room for me to escape.

"You're cute, Naruto. Attractive." He spoke. "And I want you."

I'm not going to lie, I'm scared. This guy is spitting out some crazy things and here I stood speechless — ha — and trembling under the determined gaze in his eyes. Was he like this because I woke him up? Or is he really like this?

"No kidding dude, we were so close to looking up her skirt!" Though the comment made me frown, I was glad someone finally came in, making Sasuke quickly retreat from my personal space. "Sasuke!" The boy greeted the devil with some type of handshake as I entered the stall and closed the door, hurrying to do my business and leave.

By the time I finished, I flushed but remained inside since Sasuke was now leaning against the door to my stall, still talking to the idiots. Seeing no other way out, I dropped on the floor, mentally cringing at how dirty the floors must be but intent on getting out without him noticing.

Finally, I made it to the stall by the entrance and ran for it, not looking back if Sasuke saw or not, just focused on my journey back to class.

I got there in time for the bell to ring, and I quickly gathered my things, hoping to be out before he entered.

Wait, I have all classes with him.

I could just sit away from him, right? Or would he torment me and actually sit by me?

"Naruto, where's Sasuke? Do you know where you're going?" Kakashi asked, opening the door for us to get out. He glanced at my schedule and gave a surprised look, "you must be really special if you only have three classes."

Ah, only three. I totally forgot. After my third class I could just go back to my dorm.

"Kurenai is upstairs, the third room on the left side of the hallway." He said, not asking if I should wait for Sasuke.

Quickly, I dashed out and made a run for it, hoping to be the first in class and hoping, that someone else sat next to me.

Thankfully, I was among the first one there, however, my problem now was, I probably had to sit next to or across from Sasuke, seeing how the desks were arranged into small groups of four.

I sat down on the on near the door, nervously waiting for the next person to come in.

"And who is this?" A woman asked as she entered the door. "Could you be Naruto?"

I nodded, taking outstretched her hand and giving it a shake.

"Now this doesn't look right, you only have three classes." She said, scanning over my schedule. "No, no. I'll have to send you to the main office to get this fixed." She said, handing the schedule back to me. "I'll send you ten minutes before class ends." She smiled, walking towards her desk as students walked in.

"I knew you'd be here." Someone said. His voice not like Sasuke's. He had short hair, also not like Sasuke, but he had those black, large onyx eyes, just like Sasuke's. "How's it going?" He asked, taking the seat next to me.

Considering he reminded me of Sasuke, I don't know if having him sit next to me was a good or a bad thing. And if Sasuke decided to sit across from me, then damn it all! I'll be surrounded by a fake Sasuke and a real one.

"I'm kidding, I'm Sai." He greeted.

I nodded, thinking of a way to tell him my name when, "I know, its Naruto. Your schedule has it on the very top."

I smiled awkwardly, nervously waiting for the moment Sasuke number one to walk  through the open class room door.

But luckily, he never did.

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