chapter two

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Maybe if I make a right. . . mm, no, I don't remember passing this hallway.

Oh? Hey, you're still here with me. Yeah, listen, I'm still lost. No, don't tell me to retrace my steps. I've done that already and now I'm even more lost. Maybe if I ask somebod- ha, nice one. I'm hilarious. Oh, wait, there's someone, but is it Sasuke?

Okay, I'm reaching out, you guys.

. . . um.

No, this isn't Sasuke. Close enough though.

"Can I help you?" Now the problem here is he doesn't understand sign language. How do I do this?

Ah, I got.

I'm pointing to the first class on my schedule. Maybe he knows where it is.

"What are you, a mime? Speak up."

Hahaha, oh random person if you only knew.

"Can you speak?" I shake my head no. "Huh, okay. Sorry about that, are you trying to go to Gai's?" Yes! I shake my head, this guy, even if he doesn't know it, has my infinite gratitude. Thank the gods for gracing me with his pres-

"Wouldn't have thought the new kid was a mute." He laughed.

You know what? I take that back. If he's going to laugh at me for being a mute he doesn't deserve my gratitude. But at the same time, j swear I don't care.

He's guiding me to my classroom now. Hey look, Sasuke's waiting, and he looks pissed.

'What happened?' Oh, yeah, he knows sign. Lucky me, I have only one person to talk to.

'I got lost.'

He gave me a look. "Thanks Sai, he doesn't speak so I'm happy you knew where to bring him."

"My pleasure, Uchiha." Sai shrugged, looking at me and smiling as he walked away. Huh, weird.

'So, this is your first period with Gai. Thankfully your schedule is the same as mine since we don't have a translator at the moment.'

'Yay me.' Clearly my face contradicted my response.

He only looked at me with a bored look, but shrugged it off as he opened the door to reveal my first period, physical education.

Now remember when I said I was an athletic genius? Yeah, that doesn't mean sports is my favorite thing in the world. In fact, I despise it with a passion.

Unlucky for me, though, the teacher here is supposed to be tough. And looking at the somewhat buff man walking towards us, the rumors might be true.

"Who do we have here?" He asked, extending his hand out towards mine, grabbing it and giving a small shake.

"This is Naruto Uzumaki. He's. . ." he looked at me, to which I nodded, knowing there wasn't any other way to phrase it. ". . mute. He's mute." He finished.

Wow, so brave.

"Oh, Naruto is it? You're that scholarship student. Glad to have you aboard, kid. You better give everything you got, otherwise your scholarship's on the line."

I nodded, knowing well if my grades dropped below an 'A', I would be at risk of loosing my scholarship. Like I said, this school is very prestigious and they probably wouldn't think twice about removing my scholarship if I were to lose my balance. There are many other kids waiting for my scholarship, and I'm not about to let them have it.

"Well, I see you don't have your uniform yet, so why don't you sit the class out? It end in five minutes anyways." Gai pointed towards a chair by a table. Glad I wasn't going to sweat today, I walked over, setting my bookbag on the table and sitting down as Sasuke too, sat down on the other side.

"You know, you're pretty cute." Sasuke said. I was able to hear him over the squeaky floor and the basketball.

But that caught me by surprise. I feigned hearing his statement. But from the corner of my eye, I could see a smirk, which told me he knew I heard him. Well, from the way I was akwardly still, I think he got the hint.

But what's with that though? Oh gods, does he have a crush on me? Nah. It can't be, I'm over reacting.

"Blushing like that makes you cuter." He said, his voice a bit lower as a student got closer to catch the airborne ball.

This time, I stared dead at him, but he kept his face straight forward, leaning on his propped up hand. Of course there must be a motive behind this, but what?

If this is how my first day of school is going to go the rest of the day, then make this the most awkward day ever. Wait a minute, I have a whole year with this guy?

Woah, woah, woah, why is my chest tightening? Am I regaining a heart? Am I finally realizing what feelings are? Is my ice cold soul warming up? What is this?!

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