chapter one

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"Did you hear? I heard he can't speak."

"I heard he only got accepted because he's talented at music."

"I heard Principle Tsunade was bribed to let him in."

"I thought Tsunade knows his parents from when he was a kid?"

"What a loser."

My first day of school was going great so far - despite what you think.

Comments like those above don't bother me, in fact I'm used to them. There isn't much I can say about it either - literally.

I am a mute; a person with the lack of speech. Though there are times I wish I could speak, those times were rare. Growing up, I was bullied only because I couldn't voice my opinions.

Often kids would ask me questions, knowing I won't answer such as asking for my crayons when I was in kindergarten. They saw me shake my head 'no', but they took them anyways because I didn't say the word. Bastards.

But that's all in the past, and though not much has changed, at least I know how to deal with problems like that. For example, pushing all available crayons into the kids mouth. No - I'm kidding, come back, I actually didn't do that.

But I was close to.

I swear I'm not a violent person, please don't leave me.

In fact, just to prove I'm not a violent person, check this out.

The person walking in front of me with his hands behind his head is Sasuke Uchiha. He's the student council president, which, by the way, I think he's the only one who thinks he's the president but hey, nobody asked, right?

At the moment, he is walking me to my classroom. How nice.

But if you were to see the look on his face just because I'm a scholarship student, you'd think twice about calling him nice.

Believe me, I'm only waiting for the next thing he does to piss me off. I'll have my hand fly straight to his nose if- I'm sorry, please don't leave! I'm not actually going to do it.

Though it sounds tempting, he.

You might be asking yourself, 'scholarship student? In high school? Wtf?'

Yes. I'm a scholarship student. In high school. This high school that I'm a scholarship student in. The- let me explain:

This is Konoha's most prestigious high school- Konoha Private Academy. Its more of a joint school, where kids from ages 5-18 attend. Oh, I forgot, the rich kids.

To get in this 'school', you'd have to be born rich. Which, fun fact: I am not. I am simply here because my talent for music puts anybody to shame. Duh.

Kidding, I worked hard for this, music is my escape.

However, despite my hard work, some people around here don't seem to appreciate anything I bring to this school, since they're more worried about my financial status. Fine by me, I guess.

Yes, I play music. I'm glad you caught that. I'd tell you all my other talents, but, I don't wanna brag. Oh, you do wanna hear? Okay, let me start my introduction first.

My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I am 16 years old and ahead of everyone else in this institution since I'm being placed in a special class. At the age of five I learned to play piano. And as soon as I, myself, mastered it, I picked up the violin. Let me just say yours truly knows how to play just about any instrument- within the strings family I mean. Not generally.

And although I consider music my forte, I'm also strong in other areas. For example, I'm fast. Ha, big deal, right? You better say its a big deal, running away from bullies was no problem for me. My ability to run fast made me really athletic. I play soccer and just about anything that piques my interest. But I prefer to pig out and play video games. Who doesn't?

Now I'd love to sit and tell you all my talents, but at this point, I'm probably getting annoying, right? Yeah, I think so too.

Also, I lost Sasuke.

I'm lost.


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