Drugs and money

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It's my first full day of being the mafia leader, I entered my office (which was my dads) and sat down at the desk before going through documents for our drug supplies, we had a lot of shipments to go through in the next couple weeks mostly heading over to America who are our regular buyers. I was reading through the last document of shipments when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I ordered, as I set the papers on the desk before looking up towards the door as Elijah and Ryan walked in.

"Ciao Donña." They synced as they walked towards my desk.

"Ciao, Elijah and Ryan. What can I do for you?" I asked.

"We have a big shipment tonight but we need you to be there so the buyers can meet you, but also Cameron said they need you at the club so we were just wondering what the set up was for tonight?" Ryan asked.

I nodded, "well I'll come with you guys for the shipment, and tell Cameron that I'll send Kelsey over to handle things over in the club. But if there's big problems that Kelsey can't handle I'll come straight over after the shipment." I smiled politely.

"Okay we will let Cameron know, there was also another thing that we needed to mention, we found someone lurking around the mansions grounds, so we sent him to the basement." Elijah explained.

I stood up from my chair and grabbed my gun and placed it in a holder which was wrapped around my thigh. I walked around my desk, "well then let's see what this mother fucker wants, you two go ahead and sort out with Cameron tonight's plans and get a few men ready for tonight's shipment." I stated, they nodded and left my office with myself behind them.

I walked down to the basement, I heard screaming and groaning coming from one of the rooms. I opened the door and there sat a man probably around his mid 30s tied to a chair covered in blood.

A smirk placed on my lips, "Leon you can leave I'll deal with this." I instructed, Leon bowed his head and left the room shutting the door behind him.

I walked over to the man who just stared at me, he looked exhausted, clearly from being battered by Leon for god knows how long.

"So let's get straight to the point and I want the truth, what were you doing sneaking around my property?" I asked, he stayed silent. God why can't people just take the easiest option and just straight forward answer the fucking question instead of being so bloody difficult.

"I'm going to ask you again!! What the fuck were you doing sneaking around my property?" I yelled.

"My boss wanted me to keep tabs on your every move seeing as you killed his step-son and his heir." He groaned with blood pouring out of his mouth as he spoke.

"Ah, The Hungarian mafia, well your pathetic leader needs to hire better men because it seems to me you are all fucking useless." I spat.

The man started laughing, "You think he's weak. He's a man. He's stronger and powerful more than you'll ever be. You're a women and they aren't meant to lead. They should stay at home and let the men do the hard work. That's why nobody believes in The Black dagger anymore."

Anger and rage built inside of me, they really think I'm weak!!! I'll show them fucking weak I'll kill anyone that stands in my fucking way!!

"Oh sweetie, I may be a women but don't underestimate my power and my strength. You have not yet witnessed or felt what I can do. I will destroy all of your pathetic men with a snap of my fingers. But for now I'll start with you, so I can send a little message to that sorry excuse of a leader." I smirked.

I grabbed my gun from my holder and shot the guy in the legs, I grabbed a knife and cut his arms and legs loose. I gripped him by the collar of his jacket and dragged him from the chair.

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