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I woke up in a dark room. A dark room that looked awfully familiar.

"hello?" I stood up looking around.

"is anyone there!?" I screeched.

"hello evelyn." a soft voice spoke.

"h-hello? Who is it?" I asked looking to see where the voice came from.

"its me. El." The sweet girl said.

"el?" I questioned

"eleven. Your sister." she hugged me

"el!" i hugged back.

"i- what are you doing and where are we!?" I oulled away and looked at her.

"we're in the void. Remeber it?" She answered

"oh. The void." I said with a frown.

"hey whats wrong?" My sister touched my face lifting my chin up

"nothing. So uh what brings you here. In the void. With me." I awkwardly spoke

"I need you. I need you to come here. With me. To help. Me and my friends. We are in danger. We need you Evelyn. Your strong." She looked me in the eye.

"when do you need me?" i asked.

"I'm not sure but when I need you, I will find you here, in the void. When I need you will you be able to teleport?" She asked

"yes." i nodded.

"I have to go now Evelyn my papa is coming. I will see you back here when I need help. Okay?"

"okay." I nodded

"bye evelyn!" she hugged me before dissapearing

"bye el." I spoke before jolting up from my bed.

"wh-what? Was? that?" I looked around.

"That was el? El needs me? shes gonna find me when she needs me?" I thought before ignoring my thoughts and getting up to change into some clothes I left back here.

"morning mum!" I said with a smile.

"morning ev." She kept her eyes down at her phone

"so are we gonna go??" i asked

"go where??" she asked completly forgetting.

"to go pick up my stuff and you wanted to see Kate?" I reminded her

"oh yeah." She said getting up to grab her keys.


"oh my godness!" My mother screeched as she looked down at her phone.

"wha-whats wrong?" i asked confused before somethig happened.

My mother crashed her car. We were both lying there in an abonded place dead. No I mean she layed there dead. I was not dead. My immortality really came in handy at times like this. So there I layed with a concussion. After a while I awoke with a headache and looked around to see myaelf on a floor.

"huh? mum? Nick? Kate? Johnny? Jaeden? hello? whos there?" i got up not in the wlright state of mind.

"mum?" i noticed a body laying in the corner and went to walk closer to it to figure it was my mother. My mother. My mother, Hayley Mandell layed there dead. I bent down next to her and shaked her.

"mum. mum! MUM! MUM COME ON WAKE UP!" I screamed and cried before getting out my phone and dialling Jaydens number.

Jayden- Italics
You- normal

Life Saver// Miles Fairchild X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now