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I sat on my bed and called my friends on our groupchat.

calling the  losers 🙄🤝

evelyn: trashmouth🤡👓 (normal)

johnny: eddie spaghetti🍝💊 (italics)

jayden: Ms. Marsh 💅🏻💆🏻‍♀️ (underlined)

Caden: billiam 🕳️🏃🏻‍♂️💨 (underlined&bold)

Mackenzie: stan the man😐👌🏻(Italics&underlined)

dylan: mikey🐑🔫(bold&italics)

Lauren: benjamin🔪💔(bold, underlined&italics)

Louis: Mrs.K🥺😩(it will say his name next to it)

(thats the font that will come up when they speak i will also put their names next to it for it to be less confusing)

Call acepted by everyone!

"he-" everyone speaks their unfinished sentence because i cut them off


"yeah evelyn we're doing great!" caden speaks

"Shut up caden! Let me speak!!! this is really exciting news!" I screech

"okay go ahead we are all ears!" Mackenzie chimes in

"okay so you guys know how i auditioned for an extra in Euphoria?" i anounced

"yes" some say while the rest shake their heads implying a yes.

"sooooo... They called me anddddd...." I drag my words making them all get mad at me

"JUST SPIT IT OUT EVELYN!" dylan and lauren scream at me

"okay. Okay! jesus!" I take even longer

"i swear im gonna throw you out of a window ev. WHAT IS IT!?!?!?" louis screams at me

"okay so they called me andddddddd" i make them even more mad

"SPIT. IT. OUT." they all sternly speak in unison.

"Okay let me actually tell yall now." they all sigh

"so he called me and told me he saw my audition and im in BUT theres a but. BUT zendaya, yes THE zendaya, also saw my audition tapes and recomeneded i get a bigger part and implied i should play jules! jules is rues bestfriend and ZENDAYA IS PLAYING RUE!!!!!! SO BASICALLY IM WORKING WITH ZENDAYA!!!!!!" I scream the last part

"OH MY GOD!!!!" "THATS AMAZING!" "WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!" comes out of their mouths.

"THANKYOU GUYSSSS!" i say with a huge smile on my face

"thats amazing ev!!! Im so proud!!!" jayden squeals

"i love you guys!" I declared "wait! one sec!"

I left my phone in my room and made my way to Kates room tk ask her something

"hey katelyn!"

"yes evelyn!" She jokes

"so because i got that big role can i call my friends over?" I ask

"uh yeah sure why not. i mean you worked hard so sure i might get to see jay and the others and finally meet johnny!"

"thankyou! I'll have them over in about an hour!"

Life Saver// Miles Fairchild X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now