Chapter 5

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Revised. There is a more detailed descibtion of Maddison's friends.


Hey thanks for reading. You guys are great! I know I promised I would upload sooner but I had a unite test and I project due today I got this out as soon as I finished writing. I would like either two votes or one fan before I post again. Thanks

Chapter 5

Lunch in the movies is the most important part of your first day. You walk in, everybody stops talking, then the whispers start, and finally your social status is determined. In real life that doesn't happen. (Authors note it doesn't happen at my school but who knows if that actually happens at a school.) My brother and I walk in and grab the most edible food from the cafeteria (a BLT) and leave to go meet everybody at Cam's locker. We sit down and start talking but all of a sudden some girl walks and Cam stops talking mid sentence. She's is pretty she has short blonde hair with piercing blue eyes and looks like a girly-girl. I wait for Cam to come out of his state and then I pounce.

"What's her name? Is she nice? She looks pretty. Does she know you like her?" I enquire.

"What do you mean? I wasn't staring at Cassidy" he lies.

"Ya right! So answer my questions" I replied watching his micro expressions.

I picked it up a couple years ago. It comes in handy when I want to know the truth or to see or someone is feeling.

"Cassidy is really nice and yes I like her but no she doesn't know. Please don't tell me that I should tell her. I will tell her just not yet." he says honestly.

"Okay" I say just as the bell rings.

Classes were just as boring as ever. So I was excited when the last bell went and it was time for volleyball tryouts. I had a lot of energy form just sitting around today and volleyball was just the way to get it out. I quickly changed into my spandex shorts and a t-shirt. Sam and I warmed up together. We finished just as the coach blew her whistle.

"I hoped you all warmed up and are ready for some excellent volleyball today. For those of you who don't know I am Ms. Houston but you can call me Ms. H. Good Luck!" She said brightly.

She looks about in her early thirties with wavy short red hair. She talked really fast and seemed like a happy person. We started some passing drills and by the time practice was finished I was sweat dripping of me. She was a good coach and worked us hard.

"The results of the tryouts will be posted tomorrow before first block" Ms H said.

I turned to Sam and said "I'm so nervous."

"Me too."

"You were on the team last year right?"

"Yup. This year we will both be on the team." She said with a cocky attitude.

We parted ways after we got changed.


I really like my new friends. They were all really nice,

Dan is practical, dependable, and organized. He is big on the athletics. He has a clear vision of the way things should be and is loyal and hard-working guy. He will always be there when you need him. He has a great sense of great humour.

Brittany is sort of a bubbly, innocent, fun girl. She isn't smart but she isn't dumb either. I would probably describe her as an animated, happy-go-lucky person who hates conflict. Also she is a ton of fun to be around because she is enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. People just have to love her.

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