14. Mirrors and Glass

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Kaminari had trouble falling asleep that night. He had seen the police take Takahashi away and link her to some strange crime in the past year. She was going to jail for a long time but that didn't stop Kaminari's unease. He felt like eyes were watching him, and every time he closed his eyes he was back in that maze of mirrors.

At first, it wasn't bad, he thought he could handle it. The adrenaline was still pumping through his body though and the more he calmed down the more his mind lingered on everything. He kept telling himself that he had gone through worse and this should be nothing for him to deal with. The problem was, it was something, the thing is that his encounter with Takahashi had brought back so many suppressed memories that he wasn't only dealing with the events of that night.

Kaminari had spent years trying to convince himself it was an accident, even the police had deemed it quirk malfunction and Kaminari hadn't been charged or anything, but that night It was like ripping open an already healed scar. Takahashi had taken a scalpel and cut open every scar she could find. Everything to do with the night he killed his mother and everything his father did after that.

Kaminari rolled around in his bed trying to fall asleep but couldn't. Closing his eyes meant seeing the past but keeping them open made him think too long on everything else. It was long past 12 by now and he should be asleep but he just couldn't.

He gave up around 12:45, sitting up in bed with a huff. His head rang with Takahashi's words and he tried his best not to think about them. She had been trying to play with his head that's why she did that. His friends didn't hate him like she said they did.

He ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his eyes. He was lucky it was the weekend and he didn't need to worry about school the next day, because he was not getting any sleep.

Kaminari glanced around his room only now realized how many mirrors and reflective surfaces he had. He threw one of his blankets over his full-length mirror, not wanting to be able to see it.

He took in a deep breath and sighed. "I just need a distraction," he muttered, getting up to find something to do. His eyes landed on his phone. "That will do," he said quietly.

Or so he thought. After 30 minutes of scrolling through TikTok Kaminari got bored. He didn't want to bug Shinso, but at this point, the alpha was the only person Kaminari wanted to be around right now, and he was probably the only person who could help keep his mind off things.

Kaminari opened his texting app and clicked on Shinso's contact.


Pika pika: Hito, are you up?

A few minutes passed and Kaminari was about to give up when three dots appeared in the corner.

Hito<3: ya I'm up.

Pika pika: can I come over? I can't sleep.

Hito<3: ya, you can come over.

Pika pika: yay, see you soon.

Kaminari's turned off his phone and pulled on one of Shinso's sweaters since he was getting cold. He opened his door quietly not wanting to wake up the other two on his floor.

His feet padded along the ground quietly as he headed for the stairs and went up to the third floor. Finding Shinso's room he gently knocked before cracking the door open. "Hito?" he asked quietly.

"Come in," Shinso's soft voice came from his bed.

Kaminari stepped in and closed the door, a quiet click telling him it was completely closed. Kaminari didn't waste any time making his way to Shinso's bed and collapsing on the alpha, wrapping his arms around him.

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