56 (Spoiled)

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Hikawa residences.

Tsugumi at Sayo's house because Hina have something to ask her, about Sayo.

Hina:Recently, Onee-chan looks unmotivated to practice. Is something happen between you two? Fight?
Tsugumi:No, we're okay. We doing fine talking on the phone.
Hina:If nothing happen, then why Onee-chan behaves like that?
Tsugumi:I..don't know...


Tsugumi:It is okay if I...check on her?
Hina:Not if! You must check on her, Tsugu-chan. I'm worried about her...
Tsugumi:*smile*I'm sure she's alright..maybe..


In front of Sayo's room,

Tsugumi:...I don't think I had done something bad to her...*knock*knock*Sayo-san, it's me, Tsugumi. Can I enter into your room?
Tsugumi:*open the door*

Tsugumi looks at Sayo. Hina is right. Sayo looks unmotivated. She sit on the bed, without practice her guitar like she always do.

Tsugumi:*sit beside Sayo*smile*Hina-senpai said that you unmotivated to play and she ask for my help. Is something happen to you, Sayo-san? If you don't mind, you can tell me.
Sayo:Nothing happen, Tsugumi-san, it's just...

Sayo:Nothing happen, Tsugumi-san, it's just

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Sayo:I miss you.
Tsugumi:(gshshs%#*£¥)/////Mi..miss? We had phone call yesterday though?

Sayo unexpected become spoiled.

Tsugumi:////*pat Sayo head*It's..it's been a long time since we go on date...how about..we do it tomorrow?
Sayo:I'm okay with this*snuggle*

Tsugumi see something such a rare moment today.

SayoTsugu/TsuguSayo 2Where stories live. Discover now