10. TaaRey - Flower Wonder

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Once upon a time, there lived an old merchant named Billy Roy. He had a young beautiful daughter called Taani Roy who had inherited d bewitching beauty of her late mother Bellastrix Roy. She had d heart of gold and temper of sweetness. She was reckoned itself as d left out soul of her mother's kindness. After d death of her mother, she persuaded her father to marry other women. Reluctantly, her father agreed without denying. The new step mother acted very generous and loving in d presence of Billy. Once while Billy left for d venture of his merchant profession, she revealed her true self.

She ditched all d servants of d house declaring she no more need d requirement of them. She made Taani to scorch d vessels in d kitchen, cook d delicious food, dab d floors and all other available work. She gave her d ragged clothes to wear, a spider-webbed bed at d store room to sleep. But she did no complaint. She obeyed every command of her step mother. She did all d work given to her. She ate d cold smelled pea if it was left out in any case. Late in d night, she slumped on d bed and cried for hours. Her delicate hands were bruised. Her only one pair of ragged clothes had torn in no use of resisting d newly sewing. She waited for d return of her father for long years. But he did not return any soon.

One night, she slumbered deeply hugging her arms across her chest and curling up on d bed. Back in d garden, d leaves rustled and wailed through d storm of wind. It was overwhelmed with bushes of lilies, roses, tulips, grapes, cherries, etc...... Amidst rose up a beautiful plant radiated with blazing golden fence. A leaf of d plant was detached due to d strong wind. It directionally flew across d window and fell on Taani's cheek. It caressed her smooth skin disturbing her fathom of dizziness. She sniffed in d sleep and woke wide. Her eyes batted surprisingly at d leaf held in her palm. She hopped down d bed to shut d window but d sight in d garden made her to walk involuntarily to d place.

The radiating glow was nonetheless than d plant she had planted in her childhood along with d help of her mom which she protected every day nurturing it. It bore a beautiful golden flower with innumerable petals of length 5cm resembling a marigold. It was a special gift provided by her fairy God-mother Mandy. She had warned her to plant it and pluck d first flower bloomed in it which doesn't either dry or die, at d age of 16. It was only her companion all these years. She talked to it every day. She updated every single detail of her life as if she wrote her autobiography in a diary. Now she is 16, couldn't wait no longer to withhold d warning. Thinking, finally time has come, put her hand adoring d flower least uncountable times. At last, she plucked it.

Instead of holding d flower in her hand, she dropped it on d ground, dropping dead in her heart. D flower transformed into d most amazing handsome young lad of her age. His eyes radiated d same frequency of vibration as of d flower. His body exhibited d same aroma mild honey fragrance. He was quite slim and had d glee of a prince. He smiled immaculately at Taani. Her jaw was drop dead in astonishment. She gaped, feasting d pleasure of such a magic.

"Who r u?" She mumbled giddily. "I don't c much y do u ask me such question." He gawked.

"U....Flower.....u....boy....howwwwwwwwww....." She stammered boring d gaze completely on him. "I'm ur eternal partner. A cursed boy of ur fairy God-mother until it's relished by a soul of divine enchanted lass" His lips slightly arched.

He stepped little forward to her and held her palm. Immediately, d pain of bruises on her hands faded. She felt much better. D feeling was astounding. He clasped her palm in between his and gazed at her conjuring eyes.

"I have seen u growing up from d child hood. U r always kind and pretty hearted. As far as u shared ur sorrow or happiness with me, I cried and enjoyed along with u. U r one brave beautiful young girl I craved for." He spoke in gentle kingly voice.

She couldn't blink away from his dazzling face. His words were soothing. She listened carefully to every word. He craved for her. It sent chirping excitement in her spine.

"I fancy u. Marry me, Taani. Come with me" He implored.

She was suddenly alert. He fancied her? Really? Her eyes roamed around her clothes and structure indignantly trying to smash it spectacularly.

"U don't need any ornaments or jewelry or fine clothes to look beautiful, Taani. U r as beautiful as u r" He complimented understanding her dilemma.

She beheld his features gingerly. Every muscle of her body ache his truthfulness.

"But, I don't know u. Also, I can't disobey my father if he doesn't agree" She confessed her fears. "Then spend time with me. Get to know me. Then we shall marry. Marry with d blessings of ur father, of course" He added as if it was no big deal.

"Come with me." He asked moreover as a rightful order. She smiled and nodded. She had always heard prince charming stories from her mother. Never did she dreamt of one coming for her in real. He whistled surprising her. Immediately a chariot rode by 5 peacocks dropped from d sky. Taani struggled back in bewilderment. He opened it for Taani and helped her to climb. Next, he himself settled beside her. She gave a last glance to d small yet memorable house she lived for many years. Finally, she was happy to get rid of d slavery but still she held no grudge towards her step mother nor she hated or disliked her. D ride was quite queer. Flying in d sky upon d peacock chariot was something very unusual.

"Well, what's ur name?" She tilted her head towards d boy. "Rey" He beamed thanking d heaven at least she asked his name since he was expecting from a long time. "Rey! It's very good name" She appreciated. "Is it all?" He glazed in mischief. She blushed and twitched her head aside hiding from him.

The chariot landed on a big magnanimous castle. It was totally as described by her mother in her stories. He held her hand and walked inside. Everyone along d path bowed to him and a horde cried in unison "YOUR HIGHNESS, D GREAT PRINCE REY KIRRIN!" Rey reflected their respect by bowing 2. Taani was thunder struck. Here he was a prince of KIRRIN land whom she thought was an ordinary boy. He giggled making her go red.

KING KIRRIN and QUEEN KIRRIN were happy at d choice of his son. They admired d girl. Rey had brought Billy to their castle assigning him his favorite work in d castle and to be with her daughter. Also, he had migrated Tanni's step-mother to d castle as per Taani's request. She had almost cried begging for mercy on d foot of Taani which she got without any deny. Taani had forgiven her long time ago. A year passed, meanwhile Taani and Rey enjoying each other's company. Now, both Taani and Rey were in completely LOVE with each other.

One night in d moon light, Rey took Taani to a walk near d lake. Both held their hands and trotted in silence for a time being. Taani would never dare to start d conversation since Rey would make her flush in embarrassment while he enjoy jestingly at her blushing fondness. Instantly, he stopped facing her.

"Now, we both have been spent enough time getting to know each other. I shall think it's time to proceed for d next step, Taani. R u ready to get married to me" He asked trying not to snigger. She blushed ferociously at d sudden confession. "Of course yes, prince Rey" She surprisingly hung her hands across his neck and kissed him on d cheek. He took a step further more and kissed her on d mouth, a full lip-mouth kiss acknowledging it as the beginning of their beautiful start of new life.

After a few months, claiming Rey as a king of KIRRIN both Taani and Rey got married to each other. They were blessed with a two children who were brought up in d shadow of Taani's fairy God-mother, leaving happily ever after.

P.S: I was reading stories to my niece because of which d idea popped in my head. There r some beautiful fairy tales we heard during our child hood. So I'll be updating this thread with new, my own constructed fairy tales one-shots in TaaRey version. Philhal, ek OS likha hai. Tell me how it's? 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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