1. Taani OS - My Life

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A girl is walking cursorily with a bumbershoot held in one hand preventing herself from d drizzling snow fall while d other palm is securely snuggled in d tiny pocket of her soft knee-length leather coat embracing d hot warmth. Her long hairs are partially naked with a round hat precisely hugged d top of brunette. Her beautiful eyes were concealed with an effective snazzy goggles protecting from d chilly wind floating in d opposite direction.

Switzerland is a very beautiful city I have ever seen which is chuffed as paradise. D large fountains covered with snow r highly fascinating. D verdant greenery in amid of this whitish land is definitely a refreshing picturesque. It's very difficult to differentiate d seasons here as d wholly year would be covered with pitter-patter of snow. D people here r rarely blessed to capture d moment of Sun's seldom appearance. Faltering in d streets, moreover in d mist filled evenings provides entirely a new experience. Many says "BEAUTY OF NATURE IS D BEST MEDITATION TO INHALE" n yes, it's absolutely true for d day to day tiresome soul. Though I wasn't ready to flee here, I did n I'm glad of my decision.

She stopped in front of a technically large flat. Smiling broadly entered into d garden area to be graciously greeted by a handsome guy.

"U r so late Tannu!" he exhales immediately with a grim face!

Here comes d most cute complaint of my BFF Wahi [Karan Wahi] who is been waiting for my arrival from d past 2 hours. He always pretends to be angry with me when he's disappointed by my unintentional antics but couldn't hold on to it even for a second after watching my sullen face.

"Sorry!" she whispered with a sad look.

"Uffo! Mrs. Taani Shekawath, stop throwing that puppy look at me my dear. *She giggled* Come on,*Holds her hand* Let's get in!" saying so both rushed inside.

I still remember, when I met him for d first time at St.Lounge college in Delhi, I hated him like hell as I was d bait of his ragging. But d next moment when he extended his hand for friendship, it marked as milestone of our everlasting friendly bond.

As both entered d lounge, Wahi fastened where Taani slowly hanged her dampened umbrella on to a hook. She removed her hat loosening d hairs which brushed part her shoulders. Her glasses were swamped on to d front curve of coat.

"U r looking very beautiful Taani" a voice huskily enunciated.

He's none other than Harshad [Harshad Chopra] One of my special friend. But he doesn't seem to treat me just as a friend. He's d one encouraged me all d time when I use to back-out with weakened emotions. He stood by my side in all d difficult situations I gone through while progressing as Taani, only Taani. Though I'm aware of his feelings to me, I just can't reflect d same feel. He'll ever be my one special friend. It's not just him, I could never feel for anyone except d love of my life Rey'. "MY HEART IS & ALWAYS BE URS".

"Thank u Harsh!" Taani politely replied in normal.

"Hmmm, Harsh, u have profuse time to compliment Taani. Now, let's move" Wahi commented teasing Harshad but glared by Taani.

Trio moved in, to watch d mesmerizing beauty of d house filled with so many well-wishers but d actual love-birds of d occasion were seated in a room alone with a frustrated look. Taani worried wrinkles at Wahi n Harshad who r already gazing at her. She worriedly moves at d couple with a pleading look.

Damn, how cute my AshVik [Asha Negi n Rithvik Dhanjani] looks together! Touchwood! How stupid of me to show-up so late for their 5th anniversary. Look, now both r glaring at me angrily. Rithvik was a very big flirt because of which my encounter with Negi rebuffed. Ironically, I stood as a reason of their confession. Henceforth, they bloomed as d most evergreen beautiful couple which became d vital reason of our friendship.

"Sorry yaar guys! Plz" Requested Taani.

"Sorry? U know what Tannu? Keep ur sorry by ur self" snapped Rithvik.

"Even today u r busy with ur work!" Purvi expressed her agony.

Now what to do? How to make them understand that my work is d only way which keeps me away from my miseries? Even though I'm surrounded by all these lovely people, there is always an empty feelings encompassed in my heart.

"I know I'm late, but plz forgive me na!" Taani pleaded in guilty.

"Come on guys! Nevertheless she was d one to plan all these arrangements, so u just can't blame her for being late" affirmed Harshad supporting Taani.

AshVik blurts out into laughter befuddling Taani n Harshad where Wahi chuckles innocently.

"Are Tannu! U thought we were serious na?" Rithvik exclaimed his humor.

"We were just trying to pull ur leg sweety" Purvi averred pulling Taani into a sweet hug.

What d? I was so anxious all this time, but they were kidding with me. Well, this is what happens every time. But I'm amazed to be bestowed with such wonderful people.

Soon, d party started. AshVik r rejoicing their day whereas, Wahi n Harshad r ensnared by d exotic chicks. Taani smiling at her friends, walked near a large open window.

There was a day when I lost complete faith in love, trust n relationships at Mumbai. Though I loved Rey heartily, I couldn't dare to get back to him. After I left Mumbai, got my seat for Msc at St.Lounge in Delhi. It enkindled d entire changes of my life. I met d people who became d reason of left out happiness in my life. After completing graduation, I was offered a prestigious position of general manager in d dance academy at Switzerland. Initially, I wasn't comfortable in taking up d post as it emphasized everything about dance which connected my past with Rey. Also there was one more reason, I.e, I do not wanted to depart from my friends who were d only people left in my life. Probably, I didn't want to feel weak again. It was when Harshad, Wahi n AshVik stood beside me enlightening me about my worth n their love.

"BEING DEEPLY LOVED BY SOMEONE GIVES U STRENGTH, WHILE LOVING SOMEONE DEEPLY GIVES U COURAGE" this exactly suits me. Rey had sacrificed his love just to see me strong n how can I not pay back! His love is immensely supportive in reaching this culminate success of my life. His dreams of me have turned true today, but he's not with me to share it. I so wish to c him at least once n tell him that his sacrifice doesn't gone waste. I know, it was my decision of moving aloof from him, but that doesn't mean my feelings, love n care would change, it'l ever grew same. "JUST BECAUSE WE CAN'T BE TOGETHER DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T LOVE U". He's d only one I ever loved, loving n lovable person in my life. I hope n pray that he have moved on his life n being happy. Perhaps, I left d decision of my love to destiny which may never heed.

"Y r u standing alone here Tannu? *Holding her hand* Come join us." Rithvik surprises Taani breaking her thoughts.

She walks away with him in silence. She's faking to be normal with a smile plastered on her lips.

"I'M MISSING U REY! MISSING U MORE THAN EVER" echoingly enounced herself with a drop of tear escaped from her cheeks.

@@@ "Love doesn't begin & end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, Love is a war, Love is a growing up." @@@

[Credits to quotes: Rightful site]

P.S:Sorry if it was boring! Actually i penned down to write something which turned out to be this.

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