chapter forty four - the cliff

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Only seconds had passed. Alessia paced back and forth against the rocks, her strength regaining itself with every step. She tried her hardest to not look out to the vast skies for a large dark figure. But as seconds grew to minutes and before minutes could grow to something more, hysteria coursed through her and blocked any rational thoughts. She curled her broken knuckles at her sides, still healing themselves due to the abrupt and devastating use of her power.

What could possibly be taking so long? Was her brother still truly alive? How on earth had Zedo's blood curse been broken?

She ran through the endless possibilities and attempted to calculate their outcomes. Where had her guards been taken? And what of godsforsaken Naomi?

It wasn't until Dagger's new body came soaring through the Guntheran clouds did Alessia's heart reach its full state of fright.

Dagger slammed to the ground. Another large gust of wind tickled Alessia's body as he brought his enormous wings to a close. Alessia closed her eyes as swirls of purple circled his monstrosity of a body and began to return it to its human shape. For she couldn't bear the thought of not seeing her brother tucked in Dagger's arms as she had been.

A large body encompassed her own and familiar arms wrapped around her. Alessia's arms flung around her brother's neck. She didn't have to open her eyes to know who stood before her. A genuine smile formed across her face. It hurt the muscles beneath her cheekbones to put force on their weakened state.

Her eyes fluttered open, her neck resting on her brother's shoulder, to take view of Dagger, who stood a great distance away with the faintest smile placed on his alluring face.

"Thank you," she mouthed to him.

Alessia released herself from her brother's tight hold and sauntered over to Dagger. Firm, but wobbling as she did so. Her bare feet carefully pressed against the rocky stone mountain beneath her.

"Where's Viola?" Alessia asked him worriedly.

"I dropped her off at the village," said Dagger. He rubbed at the back of his neck. "That's why it took me so long to get here."

"Gave the villagers quite the scare, I presume?" Alessia asked, intrigued.

"I'm glad to see you're back to your old ways so suddenly," Dagger smirked, his eyes flashing playfully. The purple swarming his irises hadn't vanished. Ivan walked over to stand by his sister wearily.

"How did you do it?" Ivan shook his head in confusion. "How did you break the blood curse?"

Dagger shoved his hands inside of the pockets of his wedding robes, "Killing Zedo had to do the trick. Once he ceases to exist, I assume any and all power he placed on the world had to become nullified."

Gods, Dagger had killed Zedo. A task meant only for Alessia. So she thought.

"You," Ivan began, "killed Zedo?"

"You have such little faith in me, Princeling."

"I can't possibly do everything around here, brother," Alessia said with a playful look to him. "I must be humbled every once in a while."

Ivan narrowed his eyes. "And the Emperor?" he asked. "What will come of him?"

Alessia interrupted, "He's dead. I killed him before Dagger took me." Alessia chewed at her bottom lip, waiting for the look of disapproval from her brother. But nothing was shot her way.

"Well, that's one way to do it," Ivan said while bringing a pondering finger up to his lips. "I'm sure negotiations over the kingdom will begin soon. Lia, this may be considered your first official royal duty."

"I'm overjoyed," she mumbled.

She had always been behind the scenes, hidden from the world. Never at the forefront of the Kintuin Court making decisions, never showcasing her influence. Now that she'd be the face of the kingdom, maybe it'd be about time to allow the rest of the world to know who the Commander has always been.

"My my," Zachariah's horrifying voice ripped from behind Alessia. She whipped around, ready to engage in battle, but by Zachariah's side stood all of her friends.

Zane, Lennox, Thea, and even Naomi. All untouched and unharmed without a scratch upon each of their bodies.

"Looks like the assassin finally figured out how to use his power." 

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