Chapter 8: Revved Up

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You woke up to the crisp air as you turned over to search for warmth from Flip with morning cuddles. He was always such a good cuddler, but instead you were surprised to be greeted by an empty bed with a single red rose laying on his pillow and a note attached. You grinned and reached for the flower, inhaling its floral scent as you opened the folded note.

Happy Valentine's Day to the most perfect girl. My sweet thing. -Love, Flip

PS... come find daddy.

The smile on your face grew as you tossed the covers off to the side and wrapped yourself up in your fluffy bathrobe. You scurried down the stairs to the find him putting another log into the fireplace. Glancing over to your right and into the kitchen you saw a full bouquet of red roses on the table with a wrapped present next to it.

He looked up at you and noticed how you were holding your excitement behind your huge smile and morning hair, eyes darting back and forth between him and the gifts.

"Well, go get it!" he gestured with amusement as you squealed with joy, skipping into the kitchen as he followed.

You admired the flowers for a moment, thanking him even though you both knew it was so cliche. But this was your first Valentine's together and no amount of sappy guilt was going to stop you from enjoying the act of being spoiled.

You tore open the present and opened the box while Flip watched you. Inside was a framed b&w picture of Flip's hand holding your hand at your bedside when you were in the hospital. Your engagement ring was on and Flip angled it in a way to show it off for the picture.

"This was right after I put it on you before you woke up and accepted." he chuckled at the last part. "I thought even if you said 'no', at least I'd have this picture."

You felt an array of emotions. "You actually thought I was gonna say 'no' to your proposal?"

He shrugged. "No, I knew you'd say 'yes' because I'm the best you've ever had..." he said in jest but with total confidence, looking down at you. "...but yeah, I was still nervous."

You put down the thoughtful picture so you could pull him into a hug.

"Wait... there's one more thing..." he pointed to the box. You sifted through the tissue paper and found a gold necklace with the name 'Mrs. Zimmerman' plated on it.

Your eyes lit up and you looked at him. "Aww... babe! That's so cute that you think I'm gonna change my last name," you teased.

He narrowed his eyes and gave you an onery look, gripping your love handles and tickling you.

"You drive me fuckin' crazy, woman."

You giggled as he embraced you, burying his face into the curve of your neck, placing titillative kisses there. You squirmed but he only held you tighter.

"Wait, don't we have to work today??" you mentioned as he kept kissing your neck.

"Daddy called in for you," he muttered against your skin. "We're gonna watch a movie..." he nibbled on your delicate shoulder. "...then we're gonna take a bath...." his lips brushed against your earlobe and his facial hair tickled you. "...then we're gonna stay in bed for the rest of the day... and make love until the sun goes down." He brought his lips closer to yours.

"Sounds perfect," you said with a smile.

You kissed one another deeply, feeling his hands move from your waist and up to the sides of your face.

He pulled his soft lips away for a moment as he gently held your face in his palms.

"You're my world. And I love you so much..." he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as your heart fluttered with happiness. "...but I get to pick the movie ...and we're watching Die Hard." he quickly smacked your ass and hurried into the living room to plop down on the couch as you were left blindsided in the kitchen.

Flip the Boss [Flip Zimmerman]Where stories live. Discover now