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- "Don't be too hard on them,"

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- "Don't be too hard on them,"

- "Don't tell me what to do,"

- "Don't tell me what to do,"

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Their worth...

Narcissa sipped the cup of hot butterbeer, letting Bellatrix braid her hair out of her face as she went down the list of possible candiates.

"I don't agree with your choices," Lucius took a drawn out sigh, "But /they/ did, so start writing the letters and keep an eye on them,"

They did, Narcissa watching as the group of fifth years walked down the hallway together. Robin, Max, and Brittiany. Somehow they all were heading to the library, which Narcissa had found an excuse to go to.

The group huddled around a table, laying out the matching milky white paper, each with the individuals name scrawn across it.

"C'mon, Maxine-" Brittiany drew out Max's full name with a playfull tone, "You go first,"

"Why?" Max huffed, arms crossing as they gently messed with the wax seal. "I think Robin should, their the one who wanted us all to open them together,"

Robin whined, then groaned, but with no excuse they broke the seal and read over the letter to the group.

All of theres was similar, and in all honesty it was kinda overwhelming.

"The Maurders...you mean-" Brittiany was shushed with a hand

"Shush! You want us to get in trouble?!" Robin hissed. "Thats a forbidden topic, it's asking to get in trouble!"

"Well, are we going to join them?" Brittiany looked at the two.

"Of course," Robin nodded, a natural leader.

Narcissa stood, pushing her chair in, leaving the library as the young ones chatted.

Bellatrix always gets the hard job, Milo, Miguel, Damon, Vera and Destiny, all of them she had to make sure accepted!!

Milo and Miguel found their letters together, to no ones suprise, Milo opened his, eyes raising, before shrugging. "I think I'll pass,"

Miguel looked at him, blinking, "What the fuck? You realize this means no school right?" Suddenly, Milo smiled.

"Well, if I have toooo..."

Next was Vera and Damon, Vera found hers first and of courze agreed, only laughing when Damon came to her in a panic, asking for help.

"Damon, if you want to do it, do it, if not then don't,"

Somehow the aweful advice helped him decide.

Bellatrix didn't get a chance to hide Destinys letter, she had ran into her in the hall, Destiny mumbled something and started to go off before Bellatrix slid the letter into her hand, winking.

Of course Destiny agreed to.

Lucius had to help some, so he took the seventh year, deleivering the letter to Lorenzo. "Heya, blondie," Lorenzo hummed.

"Don't call me that," Lucius put the note on the open book in front of Lorenzo.

"Ooo, a love confession?" Lucius huffed, leaving as Lorenzo opened the note.

"Ooo, a love confession?" Lucius huffed, leaving as Lorenzo opened the note

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