Chapter 4

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The doorbell rang again and the patience of Takato slowly started to disappear. As soon as he wanted to ring for the third and last time, the door opened and Rika.

"Hey Takato...Takato hey...w-what are you doing here?" the girl stuttered the words and after she realised what she just had said, she wanted nothing more but to vanish right on spot.

"Is everything alright? I mean we were supposed to meet today." the boy answered with a raised eyebrow.

"Well yeah...I-I mean...I-I are you today?" and immediately she also regrets that too. She thought that this day couldn't get any more embarrassing as right now.

"Good so far...Is really everything alright?" he asked again but this time he puts his hand her forehead to check if she maybe has an increased temperature but nothing and takes his hand away again.

Just in time for Rika, because she wasn't prepared for that and for the fact, she was already embarrassed the heat in her face in fact really increased for a second and her cheeks also got a very bright red tone.

They stood there in an awkward silent for nearly one minute. Takato didn't know what to say and Rika just didn't want to say something stupid again. It definitely was a strange situation for them.

"D-Do you maybe want to come in and we talk about everything else inside" the girl finally manged to gather her thoughts to say something useful.

"Yeah sure" came as a short answer from the boy.

The two made their way inside. Since it was a nice weather outside, they didn't want to sit inside Rika's room and instant took a spot on the hallway Infront of her room which was directly connected to the garden.

"Now tell me, what was wrong a second ago? I mean you knew I would visit you and it's not like I just came her out of now where." Takato started to ask.

"Well...I don't know how I should explain it to you." Rika started "But you see w-we wanted to meet today to rain and all that stuff and w-well just minutes before you arrived Renamon decided she didn't want to train today and yeah." she finished the little summary of what happened.

"I still don't get, why that makes you behave that strangely." he replied.

"Well, I thought, maybe w-well you know, you maybe wanted to something important and not come here to find out that the reason you manly came here for won't happening." she admitted to him.

Rika expected everything to happen, but what she didn't expected was that Takato started to laugh.

"W-what's so funny?" she asked confused.

"Did you really thought that I would spend with you all that time only for the training? That's kind of funny. You know, yes at first it was the reason I mainly spend the time with you but I must admit that I count you to the few friends I call friends. So, I definitely don't mind that we won't be able to train today." and as he had finished, he also smiles a little.

Rika still couldn't believe what he just told her and honestly totally forgot this could be way to see it to.

"You know Takato, now I feel a bit like an idiot you know" she said with a laughing tone and smiled.

"You don't need to, it's fine." he answered with a smile too which again made the red-haired girl get a little more in her face.

"So, eh would you like to maybe go to the park with?" Rika asked after a few seconds of silent.

"Yeah sure." came as a quick answer from the boy.

Rika quickly got up and grabbed Takato at his wrist and dragged him to towards the door.

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