Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi everyone, I just a got a little idea of a longer fanfic to write.

I don't know how long it will be, because I just have the idea in my mind and just wanted to start to write and let's see where it will go.

So what's the story about? It's a little AU where the personality of Takato and Rika are changed, but the rest is as it should be. I also change it, so Rika will be our main character and we mostly see the story from her side. Also changes from the normal story will be here, just to warn.

Hope you will enjoy it and it won't be that bad, since it's only my second fanfic and I don't think that I'm that of a good writer.

Also, I don't own any rights on Digimon, but that's nothing new I guess.

So enough of that and start with what you are here, the story.

Many people were walking around the streets of Shinjuku, all doing their stuff. Nothing new and kind of a normal day. Inside of all these people, we find someone.

A 16-year-old red-haired girl, with violet eyes and her charcoal school uniform. The wears her hair like a spiky ponytail and some headphones to listen to her favourite music.

She sighed, but not like a bad way but more of a relief since she was just on her way back home from school. She isn't a bad student at all and she doesn't hate school but, she kinda hates nothing really. She more is like a person with a happy personality, but because of that she couldn't find any friends at her school, which is a private school for girls. The girls there just can't handle her happy attitude and that she isn't like the others.

For example, she always sees the good in a person, she wouldn't go on and talk bad about another girl like the others would always do. Just do name a few things. That's why the other girls would never invite her after school or would like to talk with her.

But she would never let her self-get down because of stuff like that. She has other stuff that makes her happy. One of these things are the popular Digimon card game. She won last year in a tournament which gave her the title of 'Digimon queen' and she had so much on that day.

As she finally arrived at home, she opened the door and called into the house

"Mom? Grandma? I'm home".

As she continued to walked inside a head looked out of the living room, it was her grandma.

"Hey Rika, how was school today?" she asked kindly and Rika stopped beside her.

"Well, it was like always" the red-haired girl answered with a smile and continued. "Where is mom, is she working again?"

Her grandma nodded as that was enough as an answer Rika needed. She lived like that for serval years now, her mom barley had time for her, but she never minded that since she knew she had to get money and all. Beside she would always have her grandma which was enough for her.

"I will be in my room then." Rika just added short and went to her own room.

She opened the door of her room, but something was strange. Her box with her cards laid all over the ground. She sighed again, but still with a smile. 'Maybe I can finally order them more' she thought.

But before she was going to do that, she changed from her school uniform to her regular outfit. This outfit was a white shirt with a broken heart and blue sleeves. Why a broken heart, she didn't know but she kind of liked it anyways. Beside that she also has a normal blue jean.

After she had changed, she went to her cards and but the box on a little table and the pile of cards just beside the box. Since it was a little table, she just needed to kneel Infront of it and started to sort her cards.

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