The Planning

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Sadie's POV

I was walking around the 21st Nome, bored out of my mind. When I came to the gathering room I saw the statues of all the gods, so being who I am, I wanted to prank the gods. I gathered that I would need help from some other people so I quickly spotted my best friends, Walt and Jaz, over by the fire. I walked over there and said," I need both of our help with something I'm planning."

Jaz's POV

I was sitting over by the fire in the gathering room with my boyfriend, when suddenly my friend Sadie came over to us and said she needed both Walt and I's help. I knew something bad would happen because when Sadie plans something it always ends up badly. Don't get me wrong I love a sister, but that girl has been in the infirmary to many times.

"Umm exactly what are you planning," asked Walt. He seemed nervous, heck I'm nervous cause I could end up hurt.

She smirked uh oh," I'm planning on pranking the gods." Pranking the gods, oh okay. IS SHE OUT OF HER MIND??

Walt's POV

So she was planning on pranking the Gods. She has officially gone insane. "Sadie exactly why do you want to prank the gods, that can easily kill us?" I swear if she says it was a bet I will not help her. I swore loud and clear last time I would never EVER help her with another bet.

Sadie sighed and dropped on to the couch," I'm bored and the gods were the first thing.that came to mind."

"Oh," Jaz said," okay I'll help." Really she agreed to do this, oh alright.

"I'm in," I said.

"Really," Sadie said. We both nodded our heads."Okay here is what you to need to do.Walt I need you to create me an amulet that makes me appear dead in body and soul, and Jaz I need you to do two things okay?"

"Alright what are they," Jaz said.

"I need you to make the reversal cure for the amulet and you also have to go and tell the gods AND my brother I'm dead and lead them back to where I will be laying.

"Alright I can do that." I cannot believe her. Why would she want us to make her pretend to be dead?

"Sadie," I asked,"what about Anubis?" Even though I hate the guy just as much as Carter, he doesn't need to be put through this.

"I had thought of that and I'm and mad at him so he should also be a victim of the prank," she said.

"I don't even wanna know what he did," Jaz and I said simultaneously. We looked at each other and blushed.

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