Chapter Six: Visits

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Salem laid on her couch, watching Psych, drinking hot cocoa and eating grilled cheese, her favourite comfort food. 

Gus threatened to slap Shawn in the teeth again after a wild accusation that turned out to be true. Salem tried to focus on the humour but her mind kept coming back to the football field at lunch. Why in God's name would Tobias want to be friends with her? 

She easily was not the nicest person at school. She treated everyone as they treated her. Always living by that logic, she didn't know how to treat Tobias. She had doubts in her mind about his reasoning. It came from nowhere. No matter what people say, they always have a reason for doing what they do. That's what makes them people. 

Someone knocked on the door and Salem assumed it was Atticus since she had locked the door for the night. She wandered over to the door and opened it. "Atticus, I--" Her words stopped when she looked at the person. "You're not Atticus."

Tobias chuckled and adjusted his backpack. "No, I am not." He looked down at Salem's outfit. "Nice clothes."

She wore a t-shirt that went down to her knees, a pair of Atticus's sweats, and bunny slippers. She shrugged. "I like to be comfortable." She opened the door wider so Tobias could step inside her apartment. 

"Where's your mom?" he asked. 

Salem raised her eyebrows. "You're joking, right?"

He turned to look at her. "About what?" His forehead creased as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the floor. 

"One of the main reasons I get taunted at school," Salem said, closing the door, "is because my mom was a witch and left me for dead when I was ten. Do you seriously not know this?"

He shrugged one of his shoulders and wouldn't make eye contact with Salem. "I don't really listen to rumours. They're icky."

Salem rubbed her eye. "How do you even know where I live?"

Tobias's cheeks flushed. "Oh, well. I stopped by the coffee shop hoping you were there and Atticus sent me up here."

"And what are you doing here?" she asked, leaning against the door. 

He grinned. "I'm going to take you on an adventure."

Salem looked at her watch. "Now? It's like 9:00."

"I don't see the problem."

She gestured to her clothes. 

Tobias hid a smile. "I still don't see the problem."

Salem rolled her eyes. "Fine, wait here." She turned. "I'm gonna change. Don't go snooping around."

Tobias saluted. "Yes ma'am."

She ignored him and wandered to her room. She changed her comfy clothes to a pair of worn jeans and a hoodie. In the living room, she tugged on her sneakers and pulled her hair into a ponytail. 

Tobias led her out into the chilly October weather. 

"What kinds of things do you like to do?" he asked her. 

Salem shrugged. "Writing, I guess." She blew out a breath and watched it drift through the air. "And Psych. What about you?"

Tobias mimicked her shrug and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Singing?"

Salem almost laughed. "You sing?" she asked. 

He nodded. 

She stopped and turned to face him. "Sing something," she said. 

"What? Here? Why?" he asked, shifting on his feet. 

She shrugged. "Why not? It's not like anyone is around, and you cannot claim to be a singer and not sing. That's like me saying I'm obsessed with Psych but refusing to quote any lines."

"Oh?" he tested. "Quote something from Psych."

Salem raised her eyebrows. "Alright. But if you make fun I will kill you." 

"I believe you."

She backed up and began to repeat the dance that Shawn did on the roof with Abigail in the second episode of season three. 

She paused and said, "I'm a slave to it."

Tobias covered his mouth with his hand as he watched her dance. She reached up and pinched his nose. She brought her hand to her hand and took a deep breath before looking at him. "Have you wondered why you haven't been married yet?" she asked. 


Salem laughed. "It's from the show. In the episode 'Murder? Anyone? Anyone?' season three, episode two." She bowed. "Your turn. Sing something."

He sighed. "I don't know what to sing."

She shrugged. "Sing... Riptide, by Vance Joy." 

And he did. He took a deep breath before belting out the lyrics. 

Salem couldn't help but laugh. 

"Salem!" he chided. 

"I'm sorry!" she said. "But I'm not making fun of you."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Then why are you laughing."

"You're the star of our football team and you know every word to Riptide."

He rolled his eyes. "Just come on." He led her to the swing set at the park. 

He let go of her hand and sat on the swing. Salem sat on the right. 

Tobias dropped his bag to the ground and pulled out a notebook. He offered it to Salem. "I saw your other one was being held together by scotch tape."

Salem took it from his hands. It was hardcover and dark purple. She looked at him and her forehead creased. "Why?"

Tobias shrugged. "What use is a journal if you can't even read it without it falling apart?"

"No," she said. "I meant, why are you being so nice to me. It's so..." She shook her head. "No one is nice to me."

He shoved his hand in his pocket. "I make my own decisions, Salem. Everyone spoke of you like you were the devil incarnate, but I didn't believe them. I want you to have someone at school. I'll always have your back." He offered a smile. 

Salem stared at her notebook. But you're dating Teresa, her mind whispered.

That's not fair, she chided herself. You won't tell him what she does.

"Thank you," she said. "You're a good friend."

He nodded. "Of course. I care about you."

AN: In case anyone wants to see the dance referenced, I linked it below. It was not my idea, it was from the show Psych. You can also just go to YouTube and type in "Shawn dances for Abigail Psych"

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