Chapter Two: Dutch Bros

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Salem woke up way too late the next morning. She rustled her way through her apartment and managed to get out on time. 

She stopped at Dutch Bros to get her order. Even though she worked in a coffee shop, it was really nice to get a coffee she didn't have to make herself. She didn't mind paying a couple bucks for it either. The people knew her so well, she usually got discounts. 

She drove Atticus's car to and from school. It was her only mode of transportation. Her hair was in a ponytail. She balanced her drink on a stack of books as she got out of the car. 

"Heyyy, Sal," Teresa drew out as she walked in step with Salem. 

Salem readjusted her books so she could drink her coffee with one hand. "What do you want?" she asked. 

"What makes you think I want something?" Teresa fixed her brown eyes on Salem. "I'm just saying hi. Is that a crime? You get what I'm saying?" 

Salem rolled her eyes and sighed. "No. I don't get what you're saying," she said. "I don't think I'm stupid enough to understand. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go to homeroom."

Teresa stepped in front of Salem and grabbed her coffee. She popped the lid off and sniffed it. 

"Is it up to your standards?" Salem asked sarcastically. 

"Don't you want it back?" Teresa asked, playing with the end of her hair with one hand. 

Salem shifted her books to the bag that was slung over her shoulder. "No, keep it. You probably need it more than I do." 

She turned to walk away and felt warm liquid dripping down her bag. She stopped walking and turned slowly to look at Teresa. "Did you just splash coffee on my back?" she asked. 

Teresa tossed the empty cup to the ground. "Yeah."

"You owe me a shirt," Salem said, bored. "And a coffee."

"I don't think so."

Salem scoffed. "What is your problem? I've never done anything to you except go by my name." She shivered at the coffee dripping down the waistband of her jeans. 

"Just yesterday you punched me in the face," she pointed out. 

Salem laughed. "Yeah, because you tore up my book and gave me this." She gestured to her black eye. "God, you're a fucking idiot." She turned away to class and knew that if she didn't on purposely walk by the security guard, Teresa would shove her. 

"Good morning, Salem," he greeted with a nod. 

"Morning, Tony." 

She spent a lot of time in the principal's office since she got in fights on a normal day. She was on a first-name with most of the secretaries and security guards. She stopped at the bathroom and pulled off her shirt. She blew a piece of hair from her face that had fallen from her ponytail. 

Shoving her green blouse in her bag, she pulled on her sweatshirt. 

The bell rang and Salem cursed herself. Her homeroom was still on the other side of campus. She huffed and puffed her way to Mr. Penlin's classroom. He was a stocky guy who had a huge, brown beard. Every day he ate two and a half slices of bread. 

The second bell rang and Salem walked into the classroom and everyone's eyes turned to her. She found her seat it in the left part of the classroom in the front row and started adjusting her things. 

"Mr. Penlin, she was late," Jessica pointed out. Her short, blue hair stuck straight up in a mohawk. 

"Snitch!" Salem said. She turned to her teacher. "I had a good reason."

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