When Peter Met Wanda - Part Six

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Last Time On Wandavision

Peter had been introduced to Wanda's husband, Vision. He seemed like a friendly guy. They spoke and laughed together, they seemed like a normal couple until Wanda had left them alone. Something had tried to take control of Vision's mind, but who was this unknown puppet master of Westview? 


When Peter Met Wanda - Part Six!

Peter slummed down on his chair and gripped at the sides of the seat with his hands, he felt drained. It felt like someone had been creeping around inside of his head, their fingers pulling each and every single one of his memories apart. Searching for something, but he had no idea what this unknown force wanted with him. He had no idea what had happened between him and Vision, there was something very wrong with Westview.

Peter looked down at his arm, he noticed that Vision had his fingers wrapped around his wrist still. His gaze soon met with Vision's blue eyes, it felt like they had connected on a supernatural level. Vision soon let go of Peter's wrist and removed his glasses, he then placed them on the table. He pinched the bridge of his noise while he inhaled and then breathed out, he seemed flustered.

" Are you okay?" Peter asked.  

Peter's voice caught Vision's attention, he moved his chair closer towards him and cupped his hands together. His gaze lingered on our little hero for a breif moment, he reached his hand towards him and rested it on Peter's shoulder before he spoke with him.  

" Oh my poor boy." Vision said softly. " You really are lost, aren't you?"

" What do you mean by that?" Peter asked.  

Vision leaned back against his chair and took his empty coffee cup from the table, he then wrapped his hands around it. His gaze was firmly set on his cup, he seemed lost in his own thoughts. Peter watched him, he awkwardly moved on his chair which caused it to creak beneath his weight. 

" You're connected to this world, you know." Vision said, he looked up from his cup at Peter. " More than you'll ever know..." 

" Connected how?" Peter asked. 

" I cannot answer your question, but I believe that it's not a coincidence that you magical found yourself here." Vision replied with a slight smile. " Another Maximoff, I might have know. "

" And what's that suppose to mean?" Peter asked. 

" Nothing my dear boy." Vision said while he handed Peter his empty coffee cup. " Drink this, it will make you feel better."

" But it's empty." Peter said.

" My apologies, please. Allow me." Vision said

Vision poured Peter a cup of coffee, he added a dash of milk and offered him the sugar bowl. But unknown to Vision our speedy little hero wasn't allowed to drink coffee, it made him fidgety. His Mom wouldn't be too pleased about him having coffee, but she wasn't around to stop him. Peter spooned about ten sugars into his cup, he then stirred it before Vision spoke with him once again.

" Don't you worry." Vision said before he put the sugar bowl back on the tray. " I'll reunite you with your Mother, I won't let them keep you here."

" Who wants to keep me here?" Peter asked. 

Vision opened his mouth to say something to Peter, but they were interrupted by Wanda returning to the living room. She was carrying a top hat and a magic ward, she had the biggest smile on her face. Vision patted Peter's arm before he went to join his wife, it was like everything that had happened between them had been forgotten. Peter took a sip of his coffee, he could almost feel the caffeine entering his system. He place the cup on the table and sat up straight on his chair, he actually felt stronger now. Wanda clapped her hands twice to get Peter's attention, she told him that the show was about to start before she hurried into the hallway behind the staircase. Vision soon stepped forward, he bowed to Peter before he removed his top hat. 

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