When Peter Met Wanda - Part Three

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Last Time On Wandavision.

After Peter had failed to escape Westview he had found himself back inside Wanda's house, if it hadn't had been for that adorable rabbit he would have been long gone by now. But he was left more confused than ever after he met Agnes, what had she been trying to tell him?


When Peter Met Wanda – Part Three

Wanda opened the front door and guided Peter back inside of her nicely decorated home, she told him she was going to make him a grilled cheese sandwich with extra gooey cheese. She left Peter standing by the couch while she went to puff up the couches cushions, she came cross as the perfect sixties housewife. Wanda soon told him it was nearly lunch time while she rested her hands on her hips, she had one of her bright smiles creeping across her face once again.

" Doesn't time fly when you're having fun?" Wanda asked.

Peter checked his watched, but he wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted him. The hands of his Snoopy watches clock face were spinning around in an anti clockwise direction. He tapped his watch with his finger tip and listened to it ticking for a few seconds, but the clock hands kept on spinning.

" Yeah, you're right." Peter replied.

" There, the couch is nice and comfortable for you." Wanda said with a smile. " Come and put your feet up, you've had quite the morning."

Peter walked around the couch and sat down on it's edge, he cupped his hands together while he watched Wanda turning the television set on for him. An advert for a toaster popped up on the screen, but Wanda soon blocked his view from the television.

" You do like grilled cheese sandwiches, right?" Wanda asked.

" I love them." Peter replied.

" Oh good, I'll be right back." Wanda smiled.

Peter watch Wanda leaving the living room, the kitchen's door swung back and forth behind her. But she soon returned to the living room again while she tied her apron strings behind her back, she looked flustered.

" By the way, did you manage to call your Mom?" Wanda asked.

Peter was caught off guard by Wanda's question, he couldn't tell her about the conversation he'd had with this Darcy Lewis over the phone. He didn't want to chance triggering Wanda again, he had no other choice but to tell her a white lie.

" The line was busy." Peter replied.

" Oh dear, why don't you try calling her again." Wanda said, she smiled at him and crossed her arms while she rested her finger tip against her chin. " Surely she should be home by now, if not I may have to keep you."

" What?!" Peter asked.

" I'm just kidding, silly." Wanda replied.

Peter raised an eyebrow at Wanda when he heard the unknown crowd of people laughing once again, she smiled brightly at him and told him she would be right back. He smiled at her before she left him alone in the living room, he had another chance to try and call his Mom again. Zooming over to the telephone he sat down on the other end of the couch and picked up the telephone's headset, he then dialed his home phone number. He twirled the telephone wire around his finger while he waited for someone to answer his call, he could help but check behind him now and again in case Wanda came back. 

" Come on, come on..." Peter muttered. 

The dialing tone was normal sounding at first, but it wasn't long until the familiar sounds of white noise and crackling returned to the landline. He pulled the headset away from his ear and frowned to himself, but he soon heard a woman's voice blaring through the earphone of the headset.

When Peter Met Wanda - Wandavision/X Men CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now