Never knowing what to call my chapters

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sup people, wellcome to the life of random :)

i'm still alive,

dont expect many updates, 'cuz i'm in the prosses of doing my GCSE's

hope you enjoy these, VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW

i love you


·         run around your neighbourhood without a shirt and say "have you seen my pants????!!!"

·         when someone is sleeping put whipped cream on their hand then tingle their nose making them itch it.

·         Lick the air while saying to other people “It tastes good, like sweets, I blame polution- its got me addicted, I cant stop breathing it in”

·         I was testing gravity...haha yep...*rubs back in pain* it still works

·         roses are red, violets are red, bushes are red, trees are red, I set your garden on fire

·         (say in public)  "I FARTED RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!"

If looks could kill, you would be a weapon of global massacre

Save the earth it’s the only planet with chocolate, internet, and stuff

I used to think the brain was the most important organ in the body, then I realized --- look what's telling me that.

"Well, it's not really a dirty mind, just kind of dusty."

I find pleasure in holding doors open for people who are slightly too far away, just so i can watch that awkward run they do

A husband and wife are trying to set up a new password for their computer. The husband puts, "Mypenis," and the wife falls on the ground laughing because on the screen it says, "Error. Not long enough."





Please give ideas  :)

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