Canarysun - Artemis_Draws 🐈

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(Requested by SincerlyDragon)

Name: Canarypaw

Gender: Female

Clan: MintClan (Fan-Made)

Rank: Warrior Apprentice

Description: A swift, lithe she-cat with golden fur, a long tail (shorter than her sister's) and warm brown eyes

Parents: Rain (rogue, mother), Bravetail (MintClan, father) Siblings: Twigpaw (sister, littermate), four unnamed siblings (three toms, one she-cat, younger litter)

Personality: Canarypaw is just as loyal as her littermate to the Clan, but she sees her optimism as distracting sometimes and likes to focus on solving problems. Respect is her greatest virtue.

Backstory: She was born just outside clan borders, and her mother and father constantly fought over where she would stay along with her littermates. After her younger siblings were born, her father whisked them into the clan

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