Twigstep - Snowmist000 🐈

25 3 15

(Requested by SincerlyDragon)

Name: Twigpaw

Gender: Female

Clan: MintClan

Rank: Apprentice

Description: A slightly large, lithe dark brown she-cat who is piebald. She has a long, thin tail and bright green eyes

Parents: Rain (rogue, mother), Bravetail (MintClan, father)

Siblings: Canarypaw (sister, littermate), four unnamed siblings (three toms, one she-cat, younger litter)

Personality: Twigpaw is a dedicated, loyal cat, despite having a rogue mother. She sees the entire clan (though quite small) as a large secondary family. She loves life and makes sure each day is exciting and wonderful.

Backstory: She was born just outside clan borders, and her mother and father constantly fought over where she would stay along with her littermates. After her younger siblings were born, her father whisked them into the clan

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