Chapter 6

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A/N: Trigger warning for some eating talk and some mentions of abuse

Fenrir Greyback had been two years older. He played rugby, had short, platinum blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He had a cruel smirk that showed off his spiky teeth and this strange... pull on people. He could charm his way out of anything.

They'd met in detention, although Remus had seen him around the school before. Remus would never admit to it, but he had a stubborn streak a mile wide and a habit of getting into trouble for it. His official detention slip read "talking back to a teacher" and he scoffed as he sat down at a desk and began the detention assignment.

Fenrir had walked in just then - he stared around the room like the inhabitants were his prey before pulling up a chair diagonally-behind Remus. He did no work during the hour and only spoke once the detention was over, as Remus gathered his things and left the room.

"Oi. Lupin," Fenrir called, his voice harsh and gruff. Remus paused, surprised he knew his name.

"You're tall, got the rugby build. You trying out?" Fenrir walked up to Remus.

"Wasn't planning on it..." Remus replied, secretly intimidated.

"Think about it, yeah? We need someone new, and you'd fit right in,"

Remus thought about it for exactly two days before walking up to Fenrir in the halls and agreeing. Remus was in year 9, only 13 at the time, and if he thought he felt intimidated by Fenrir, that was nothing compared to the whole rest of the team. But Fenrir was right. He fit in, had a natural talent for the sport and quickly noticed the team's protectiveness over him. This was a time in which Remus had very few people he could call a friend and he relied on the team more than they knew.

But no one was as protective as Fenrir. He worked him hard, constantly messaging him to check on his training and his diet and his health.

"Don't eat that shit, Lupin, you'll get more energy from this," Fenrir controlled large aspects of Remus' life 'for the sake of the team' and Remus let him, secretly loving the feeling of someone taking control. Someone looking out for him. Remus adored him.

He'd been on the team for over a year, and it was one of those nights with Mary in a field with a bottle of vodka when it happened. His shirt had slipped up and Mary leapt forward, lifting the fabric the rest of the way. She gasped.

"Remus, what the fuck?" Along Remus's side were a row of bruises, scars, injuries. Bleary-eyed from drink, Remus pulled his shirt down and shrugged nonchalantly.

"Rugby injuries, it's a rough game," Mary had bit her lip but said nothing.


"So..." Mary handed Remus a cup of tea. He took it gratefully but averted his eyes from her, staring at a corner of the room.

"I think I'm gay," He shrugged, trying to seem indifferent (as if he hadn't just realised and understood a major part of himself that would change his life forever).

"You know it's okay, Remus? That obviously it doesn't change anything?" Mary sat opposite Remus, cross-legged on her bed. Her apartment had been closer and was a nicer environment for, you know, mental breakdowns.

Remus shrugged.

"And James seemed fine..." Mary started, trying to prompt Remus to talk. She hated when he got like this, all closed-up, refused to talk about his emotions, just bottling it up inside.

Remus suddenly remembered Gideon and groaned.

"Does this mean I have to date... Gideon?" He sighed. Mary couldn't help herself and giggled.

"God, Remus, how romantic. No, silly, you don't have to date the first person you kiss," Mary tried to stop laughing.

"He wasn't the first person I kissed," Remus sighed and sipped his tea.

"Yeah, yeah, Anna in year 9, I know," Mary rolled her eyes. "And what did you say it was like?"

"Like sticking my face into a running water-fountain,"

"I don't even understand how that works,"

"I can't put it into words in any other way," Remus said before yawning loudly.

"Come on, let's get to bed,"

She closed her curtains and shut off the light. The two lay under her duvet and Remus stared up at his ceiling.

He knew it was okay. Obviously Mary wouldn't mind, in fact she'd apparently guessed before Remus even knew. And she was right, James hadseemed fine. It was more that he was angry at himself for not realising it sooner. He held a great sense of pride in how well he knew himself; he knew how he acted in stressful situations, he knew the things someone could say to hurt him the most, he knew the types of people that hurt him the most. But he hadn't known this. Or maybe he had, he just didn't want to admit it.

And so, as he slipped off into an uneasy sleep under Mary's mountain of blankets, it was one name that rolled around in his mind.

Fenrir Greyback...


Saturday, October 19th

Remus let for work from Mary's apartment, eating a slice of toast on the way. He waved goodbye to her and her roommate before fast-walking to the bus stop.

As he swung into the backroom and grabbed his uniform, he almost knocked into James who was sat at the table with Sirius.

"Ah, same clothes, ey, Remus? Nice one," James snickered. Remus flushed red when he realised what he was insinuating.

"Just stayed round Mary's, that's all," He muttered and walked to the bathroom to change. He started to undress when he heard through the wall:

"Prongs, what did you mean? Same clothes?"

"Just before he disappeared, he was in the courtyard with that ginger kid, the one his friend Mary brought along, must've gone home with him,"

"What do you mean 'with'?"

"You gonna make me say it, Pads? Kissing. Snogging. Making out. Whatever you want,"

"Oh. Right."

"Well, I'm heading off, Pads, have fun and please pick up some groceries on your way home,"

Remus' throat tightened. He'd assumed if James was fine, Sirius would be but he'd sounded...

Guess you've found his one flaw, then A voice in his head whispered. Pretty big one, bet you'd wished it was bad breath and not straight-up homophobia, huh?

By the time Remus emerged form the bathroom, Sirius had left the backroom. Remus squared his shoulders and left too, to start working.


The shift was painful. Sirius only spoke to him in stilted words:

"Can you do tills?"

"I'm going for a smoke break,"

"Can you restock the bread?"

"I'm going for a smoke break,"

They were closing up, when Remus finally had enough. He was pissed off, gritting his teeth in frustration.

"Cheers," Sirius muttered as Remus locked the door, and he started to walk away.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Remus burst out angrily. Sirius turned to him shocked.


"I said. What the fuck is your problem?" Remus repeated.

"I-" Sirius stuttered in response and Remus felt a surge of confidence from the usual self-assured Sirius being resorted to stuttering.

"Should've known. Posh boarding school kid is homophobic. Classic." Remus snapped and when Sirius just stood in front of him, mouth gaping, he turned and walked away

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