Jisoo ☆ Winner Takes All

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🗣 Requested By Tumblr Peeps

👩 Fem!Reader

WC: 4,479

⚠️ Warnings / Misc: Fluff Galore, A Few Curse Words

Drum roll please....🥁.... I'm very happy to present to you: the return of Gamer Jisoo and her infamous Pikachu hat. I know I know, very exciting.

Note: First off I'd like to thank you guys for the love on my other gaming fic; seeing you enjoy my work really encourages me. With that being said, I should note that I don't know much about gaming conventions – I apologize if I get some details wrong in this writing. I hope you enjoy it regardless. 

♡ Happy reading ♡


"Lisa, I'm scared! What if she tackles me? You know how she can get when she's excited..."

The throaty chuckle that leaves the maknae works to calm you down, and you find yourself smiling despite the nerves. "The girls and I will be there to keep you safe, don't worry. Jisoo-monster can't hurt you."

You shake your head as you grab the tickets, stuffing them in your pocket and mentally preparing yourself for the surprise. Lisa takes your hand and drags you out the door in a rush, her happiness plain to see.


The sounds of your foot falls against the linoleum work in tandem with the beating of your heart, and you do your best to conceal your grin. The last thing you want to do is give the plan away at the last second.

Upon opening the door, you find the other 3 girls sprawled out on the floor in various positions, bodies exhausted from dance practice. So much for protecting you.

"Where were you guys? We were starting to get worried."

When you take too long to reply, Jennie raises up onto her elbows, narrowing her eyes. "Y/N..."

Shit. You're toast. The girls' eyes search the two of you quizzically while your brain goes into overdrive in an attempt to find a believable excuse. Everyone knows you're a bad liar, and you've just been caught in the act.


The words leave your lips in a rush, but your girlfriend doesn't miss her name being thrown in there at the end. Her eyes dart up to yours, and she perks up.

"OYE! What was that?"

Releasing a sigh, you repeat yourself. "Lisa was helping me with a surprise for you."

Jisoo's stupid smirk from across the room makes you giggle, and you roll your eyes. She stands up and walks over, wrapping her arms around you.

"A surprise, huh?" She asks cutely, her eyes shining even brighter than usual as she raises her eyebrows repeatedly like a dork. Both of your smiles widen as you nod at her, allowing your hands to run through her mussed hair. Seeing her so excited makes everything worth it, and you know you'd spend every dollar to your name in order to keep her as happy as this; she deserves nothing less.

As she leans in to press a kiss against your lips, her hands work their way down to your hips, resting there. Too caught up in the moment, you fail to realize that her fingers have hooked their way into your pockets.

Her lips vibrate against yours as she lets out a confused mumble, her fingertips brushing over the foreign material. She gets the jump on you, quickly snatching the tickets from your jeans, and you watch her face as she reads them.

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