Rosé ☆ Eyes Closed, Heart Open

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🗣 Not Requested

👩 Fem!Reader

Headcanon Count: 28

WC: 1,463

⚠️ Warnings / Misc: Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending

♡ Happy reading ♡


- Nothing felt the same anymore. The adrenaline rush that coursed through you as you ran out on stage, the cheering of the fans, hearing them sing along with you – nothing. In her absence, everything was dull, and you found yourself just going through the motions. That's not to say you aren't grateful for everything you have; it's all just lost its glow without her.

- Both of you are idols (you're a soloist), and you used to be together. You always kept it hidden from the public, but after a leak made its way to the media, there was little you could do to stop them. So, your companies decided to ban you from being with one another.

- You found this fact out before she did, so you tried to find a way to end things. It's the last thing you wanted, but you knew you had to hurt her now in order for her to be able to move on and forget about you.

- You broke her heart, but you thought it was something that had to happen, given the circumstances. You hated yourself a little more with every second that passed, seeing the pain you caused.

- You often doubt your decision, thinking now maybe it would've been less painful for her to hear about the ban from the company instead. She was the one person in this world that you couldn't bear the thought of being hated by.

- Cue her cover of "Eyes Closed"

- Certain lyrics pertain to your situation:

↪ "But he'll never stay, they never do"

↪ "But you've been replaced, I'm face to face with someone new" (Of course, for damage control, YG forced her into a fake relationship)

↪ "My lover, my liar" (She says this in reference to you, since you had promised her you'd never break her heart)

- Months after what happened, you're still stuck on her. Your plan clearly backfired, only hurting both of you in the process and giving you no closure or ability to move on

- As if you could move on from her

- Given that Blackpink is the massive success that it is, Rosé's hold over you was inescapable. Every time you were out, it was inevitable for you to see a new advertisement for them or hear their song on the radio. It was always a slap to the face, serving as a reminder of your mistake.

- Both of you were expected to attend the MMA awards show, given that you were both nominated. When you saw "Blackpink" on the list of artists invited, it came as no surprise; even still, your heart leapt and your stomach was in knots. How would this go down?

- Both of you ended up winning in your respective categories. When you go up to receive your award, you decide to set things straight; you're sick of feeling this way, and you know you'd kick yourself for the rest of your life if you didn't even try to rectify the situation.

- "I'd like to give a huge thank you to my fans, support system, and family. My people. No one could have a better group of individuals around them. I couldn't have done any of this alone, and I thank you endlessly for all you've ever done and continue to do. This award is for you!" The crowd cheers, clapping loudly, but you don't stop there. "Also, though, there's someone here tonight, out in the audience, that I hurt very badly." At your words, Rosé's eyes find yours, expression unreadable. "I thought that in doing what I did, I would be helping her to move on; after all, I never meant to hurt her. Little did she know, though, our companies would've stepped in, had I not beat them to it. I wanted to give her someone to hate, someone that she didn't have to see everyday and be around." The audience is dead silent, hanging onto your every word. To the right of you, just off stage, you can see one of your managers next to a security guard; likely ready to drag you off at any moment. With time running out, you finish by saying, "I know it was wrong, but I did what I thought was best at the time – please believe that. Hopefully you can forgive me for my naiveté. Thank you again, everyone." The air is thick with tension, the crowd uncertain about how to react. Scattered applause rings outs, and you send one last wave to the audience before going back to your seat.

- Your words impact Rosé more than she expected, forcing her to think things over, yet again. She had spent the past few months doing everything in her power to recover, and she'd be damned to just let it slip away so easily. Part of her begged to relent, though, upon seeing how sincere your apology appeared to be. She hated to admit it, but you still looked just as gorgeous now as you had before. Though she tried to pretend, she knew her feelings for you could never go away.

- You try to find her for the rest of the night, but she's always just a little too far away, right out of your reach. You eventually lose hope, but you mask that fact from the cameras that had been glued to you after your speech.

- About an hour later, the show is over and the afterparty is kicking off. Deciding that a drink would definitely help after the night you've just had, you make your way towards the elevator. Conveniently, the celebration was taking place in the same building, albeit high up in the clouds, on the 80th floor. You had waited patiently for the batch of overzealous guests to go up before you, glad to distance yourself from them.

- You could finally breathe again, getting a moment to yourself.

- Now inside the elevator, you press the button and wait for the sleek metal doors to close. Before they can, a slender arm darts between them, and your heart jumps. They open again to reveal none other than Rosé herself, looking as stunning as ever. She steps in next to you, and it's physically painful how much you want to hold her in that moment. To reach out and touch her, assuring yourself that she's actually there and you aren't imagining this. To apologize profusely and explain everything to her. But you don't. You stand there, holding her gaze, waiting for her to say something.

- "Did you mean it?" She asks after an eternity, voice soft and unsure as she tests the waters. Her eyes are now focused on the floor; she can't bring herself to look at you as she waits for an answer, too afraid of what you might say.

- "I meant everything I said tonight. You've never left my thoughts, no matter how much I try to avoid them. And I..." You start, ready to finally confess how you've been feeling all this time without her. You take a moment to steady yourself. "I never stopped loving you."

- You wait with bated breath, silently begging the universe to let her feel the same.

- She doesn't say anything. Instead, she gently wraps herself around you, her arms around your neck and face against your shoulder. You sigh against her, weight being lifted from your heart at this simple act. She still feels the same; warm and comforting. Your home.

- Eventually you pull back enough to look at her, but not enough to lose her from your grip.

- You rest your forehead against hers, and the two of you stay like that. There will be plenty of time to talk about everything later; you're at peace just holding her for now. The elevator dings, and the doors open to reveal your manager.

- He gives you an incredulous look, as if to say We've been over this! But you don't care. Rosé glances between the older man and you, but you simply smile at her. "I'm done running."

- Those words echo throughout her mind as she feels your lips on hers – something she had dreamt of since the day you left, despite the pain that came along with it. Memories of the nights she spent crying over what happened soon melt away, making room for new ones to come.

- With your manager nearly fuming at what he's witnessing, you stumble backwards and press the button for the ground floor. Rosé is still on you, her lips moving against your own in a heated dance. The juxtaposition is a bit hilarious, if you're honest.

- The noise from the rowdy crowd dies down as you make your descent, and you feel her lips turn up in a giddy smile. "I love you, too, Y/N."

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