Chapter 2

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The bright sun rays shined on the small town. Pedestrians walk as they live everyday lives. The clothing store Master's Atiire stands out amongst the surrounding shops. Inside of the store are paintings of musicians playing the saxophone. A well-dressed man appears. From his dress shoes followed by his creased slacks coupled with his blazer concealing his watch neatly tucked in the cuff. Finally, the man's face is revealed wearing shades.

The man checks the time, and Andre walks out of a dressing room behind the man. The comparison between the two of them showcases a suave man next to a clumsy oaf. Andre tugs on the waist of his slacks. A small portly man approached him.

"How is it, sir?" He asked.

Andre continued to pull on the waist area.

"It's kinda tight around the balls." He said.

"Andre!" Harmony's voice yelled from the dressing room across the store.

The man looked towards the direction and then towards Andre.

"Was that...for you?" He asked.

Andre ignored Harmony's far distant nagging and laughed it off. He placed his hand on the short man's back torso.

"Haha, so about the pants..."

Back at the school, night had settled in, and numerous young teens were lined outside of a large building on campus. The bass from loud pop music was playing as the line continued to grow.

Andre was standing on the rooftop of the boy's dorm. He's wearing a dark blue tuxedo with a fitted blazer, a white dress shirt, a dark blue bow tie, and flooded slacks of that same color.

He's pacing back and forth. He's anxious and restless. He notices a girl in the line below that resembles Harmony. He immediately squatted low and held onto the edge of the roof with one hand while holding his phone to his ear with his other hand.

"No, I haven't seen a sign of anything yet." He said.

He looked across the campus at the line of students. The girl he suspected as his girlfriend was just a random student. He's relieved and rises to his feet once again.

"No, she didn't want me to see her until the dance started." He said.

He continued pacing back and forth on the rooftop.

"Damn, what's taking you? If you don't hurry soon, Harmony will be rea-"

His phone vibrated in his ear. He lowered the screen and saw Harmony's contact calling him. Feeling uneasy, he gripped his phone with both hands and hunched over. His facial expression cringed with droplets of sweat on his forehead.

"Fuuuuuck." He muttered through his teeth.

"Andre? Andre, are you there?"

"Is it the Hix?"

Inside of the school's gymnasium, students were dancing and socializing. A photo booth was set up near the entrance of the gym. A young couple had just gotten their picture taken. An older female teacher was operating the camera.

"NEXT." She said.

The sound of footsteps marched inside of the booth. The woman had readjusted the settings on her camera and positioned her lenses for the photo.

"Alright, on the count of three, give me a smile."




The flash on the camera went off, and a portrait slid out from the machine. She grabbed the film and waved it so the film could develop. She took a quick glance at the photo. The photo had the image of Andre and Harmony hugged up together. Harmony has on a matching blue dress with heels, a bracelet, a necklace, and earrings. The older teacher handed the photo to both of them.

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