Part 11

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With Peter

  Oh dear god. This place is AWESOME. And they live here? Amazing. I was just staring at the living room, while Mr Stark, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Captain America walked in, not amazed at all.

"Spidey, are you planning to come or...?"I obviously zoomed out, so I don't really hear what they are talking to me...or anyone else. I can hear them but I'm too busy to stare to notice what they are talking about.

"I can just see his wide eyes and open mouth" The Black Widow say

"How you know all this. You can't see his face."

"Because the eyes of his suit move with his real ones. As you can see, his mouth is open because his face is more elongated" Ms Black Widow talked to Mr Hawkeye like it was obvious. She snapped her fingers in front of my eyes and I got back to reality.

"S-sorry i just... this is a"I don't know if i should say house or tower, but tower is more...stupid, so i say house.

"Yeah it's beautiful but can you come in?''I did as I was told, again thanking internally to the mask I am wearing. I walk in and i want to stare again, but i know it will be rude so i keep walking, trying not to move my head a lot. Now I see the others. THE OTHERS. OMGGGG ALL THE AVENGERS ARE IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME. PLUS MS POTTS-STARK OHH GOSH.

"There he is"Mr Quick Silver stood up from his spot. The next thing I know is, that he is standing in front of me. Again I was dumbfounded.

"Hi I'm Pietro"I shake his hand. All of the others stand up to meet ME. I think i'm gonna faint. I really try to keep my cool, but all my hard work was thrown away when i saw THE BRUCE BANNER.

"Holy sHIT YOU'RE-"

"Yeah yeah im the Hu-"He cut me off, but that didn't stop me

"THE MOST RENOWNED SCIENTIST OF OUR GENERATION"I start rumbling about his books and his work on gamma radiation. This went for a good 2 minutes, before i can understand what i'm doing"And...and...And I am rumbling again right?" They smiled at me and nodded.

"T-thanks"Dr Banner cracked his voice while thanking me. I see tears in his eyes.Did i make him cry? Oh no. I made him cry. Are they gonna hit me? Usually if i do something like that May is going to slap me. I close my eyes ready for a hit.

"Aaand he is crying... again"Ms Maximoff laughed at how ridiculous the situation is. Bruce is almost crying. I didn't expect the next part. I actually expected a slap or something but he hugged me. HE FUCKING HUG ME. Bruce Banner hugs ME. OMG I'm really gonna fainted. I hug back and after a few seconds he pulls out. They all introduced themselves by their real names.

"Ugh, i'm back. Did you miss me?"Mr Stark walk in this time without the man or his suit on.

"Actually we didn't notice you were gone"Everyone laughed at what Mr Barton said. Everyone except Mr Stark. He look fake offended and gasp a little

"Anyway. Spidey do you want to stay for dinner?"Mr Rogers ask me. I really want to stay for dinner, but i will get a really bad beating right before my internship. Plus i don't want to bother them.

"Umm... i don't want to be a bother to all of you"They look at me confused

"You are not a bother. Plus that way we can know more things about you. Of course the things you want to say"I nodded to Ms Romanoff and we went to the couches, while Mr Rogers and Mr Barnes went to make the dinner.

We sat down and I noticed that they looked at my mask, as to try to see what was behind it.

"So we cant have your name or any personal things, but can you at least tell us your age, or how you became Spiderman, what gave you the powers you talked about?"Ms Natasha look at me

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