February 3rd, 2015

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Tonight I celebrated the full moon and her power by setting my altar, renewing my sacred circle, praying, self dedicating, and meditating.

About 10 moons ago, I had an idea that I could turn my room into a giant sacred circle to keep evil and negativity out and happiness and my energy in. I did this by creating a protective spell bag to hang above my door, and a salt-water solution to paint on my walls, creating a giant circle.

This full moon I thought I should renew that spell. This time I combined eucalyptus oil and holy water to brush onto the walls. And I put new intent into the spell bag.

After my circle was new, I meditated in my personal way.

After that I prayed to the god and goddess (Odin and Freya) for happiness and wellness, to begin summer soon this year, and I announced my self as a witch and hoped to realize my full potential.

~Witch 99

Spell Bag:
Tigers eye
All in a Black sachet

Holy Water: (witch don't judge)
White Wine Vinegar
Stirred with a silver spoon

Meditation Music: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NDlPnExilKc
^ Youtube, search 10 hours of celtic music, the first video with the celtic shamrock. I don't meditate for 10 hours but the music is amazing. I don't recommend listening to your meditation music if you aren't doing a meditation.

God candle
Goddess candle
Moon Candle
Meditation music
Your favorite fragrance oil

My Facebook Page: The Witchs' Altar and Crafts

(A/N:) So this is the new book. I was just reading the old one and realized, it was awful. I decided to write this one sort of like an old Salem witch Journal and then tell you guys how you can do what I did or exactly what I used. Hope you like it and Blessed be.

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