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I relax for a while and read a book. Then Ricki and Johnny come in.

"So Raphael came" Ricki starts

"Was Raphie nice to you?" I ask

"What do you mean by Raphie?" Johnny questions

" I dated Raphie before I met you. He had to break up with me cause of the deal he and Graham made" I explain

"So that's why he calls you Lee" Ricki says

"So is there something i don't know about?!?!" He starts to raise his voice.

"No I swear I love you with all my heart!" I plead.

"Whatever" he walks out.

"Oh my god Riley you look pale!" Ricki says

"I'm fine. I'm just-" I groan.

"Your in labor aren't you?" She asks

"I think so" great I get to give birth without the love of my life.

Destruction (Sequel to A World Divided Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now