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I wake up screaming at midnight. I gasp for air and Johnny has woken up too.

"I'm sorry. It was just a nightmare" I explain

"You know ours aren't just nightmares, Riley" he warns. Faction kid dreams are sent by people or they tell us people. They are always real.

"It was just a dream! It had to be!" I mutter
He holds me and I cry.

"Wind took our children away. She... She had guards hold us down and watch her beat them to death. The kids cried and cried... And I couldn't help them!" I cry

"Shhh it's ok. I promise. Calm down. Just focus on sleep." I focus on him and the rocking movement he is doing and fall asleep again.

I wake up at 5 to Grace and Adam waking me up.

"Mommy can we have bweakfast?" Adam asks

"Can we have blueberry muffins?" Grace asks

"Yes, let Mommy get her robe on" I sayI get up and realize how sore I am. I guess all this work has taken its toll on me. I grab a blue robe and cook breakfast. Johnny has already left for work and Grave needs to leave for school soon.

"Grace,you need to get to Faction school soon" I tell her.

"Ok Mommy" she answers and grabs her lunch and leaves.

"Mwommy when can I go to swchool?" Adam asks

"On Monday" I say
He jumps up and down and the phone rings.

"Hello?" I ask

"It's Ricki. I need you to come over now!" She says. I tell her I will be right over. I put on some clothes and grab my purse and take Adam to the car. We drive to her and Graham's house.
Before I knock on the door she opens it.

"God Ricki what is wrong? You were so freaked out I thought you were in labor or something." I say

"I'm not but I can't find Graham and I am afraid he left me!" She cries.

"Ok before you freak out sit down. Let's call security and see if they know where he went" I advise. We call and they say they saw him guarding last night. He mysteriously disappeared a couple minutes later.

"He has been captured hasn't he?" Ricki asks panicked

"You know I would never lie to you so I am going to tell you that I think he was." I say sadly

"No... I am only a month from giving birth!" She freaks out

" Stop Ricki! You have to stay calm or that baby will come earlier then you want!" I demand

"Ok I will stay calm" she answers.
I leave and run into Kate at the park. She is sitting on a bench... Crying?

"Kate what's wrong?" I ask

"I miss everybody... Who died... Alice, Hazel, Kirsten!"

"I know... Kate... I know. But we have to be strong. That is what they would want..." I struggle out before breaking down. Hazel died defending Chris. And Kirsten died... Defending camp.

"I wish things were different." She sobs. I wish we could think that way... But things are getting more worse.

Destruction (Sequel to A World Divided Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now