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A couple days later I am sitting outside knitting a green scarf and Adam is running around outside. I start to see Johnny walking up the road. I run up to him and kiss him.
"What the hell was wrong with you?!? Couldn't you have told me you were leaving?" I yell

"I couldn't it was last minute. We got Graham but..." He says

"But what?" I ask

"But he tried to kill Ricki" just then Adam runs to Johnny and we can't talk about it anymore.

"Daddy you are back!!!!" He jumps up and down. I smile at them, then frown. There should be one more. I wish there could be one more...

"Adam it is time for you to take a nap." I say. He walks up to his room and goes to sleep.

"Johnny I want to have another kid." I say


Destruction (Sequel to A World Divided Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now