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David rules with grace,

Solomon sings his praise,

Esther saves her people with poise,

Moses abandons his joys,

Bringing his people out of Egypt,

They walk out weak-willed but hopeful,

The God of the Jews,


The Bringer of the Plagues,

The God of Abraham,

So many were his names, 

Many were his offerings,

He showered the world in love,

He gave his creations free will,

Which spelled the beginning of the end,

Lot's wife was turned to a salt pillar,

Jericho was brought down by trumpets,

Adam and Eve were given stewardship of Eden,

Such is the merciful God that you have come to love.

Then tell me why he treats those who love him

Those who worshipped him reverently,

Those who truly believed in him,

The way he did me?

How much more do I have to suffer?

To show that I did once believe?

Even Pandora understood the meaning of her box,

That hope was not a gift to humans,

It is cruel and heartless,

A means to control the masses,

Yet I still hold on to a sliver of hope,

My spider's thread,

That there is a God,

That I will be brought out of the darkness that has consumed my heart,

Until then,

Your praises are nothing,

I believe in Thomas,

I have proven myself,

Show yourself to me,

End this charade now.

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