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While the blossoms flutter around

In the soft, gentle winds

Watching the others walking around hand in hand

I look at my own hand

The only hand that I had

The one that slumped by my body in weariness

I plaster a smile on my face

I pretend that I am not hurt

I pretend that I can walk alone

And so I walk

I walk my roads by my lonesome

I pretend that there is a person at the end

I am only deceiving myself and no one else

Yet without these lies I don't think I can survive

And so I keep walking 

Alone in the midst of the blossoms

 I know I make a sight 

A one handed man

Walking all alone

RElying on a single stick

And looking so happy as if there were no cares in his life

They don't know

They don't know how lonely I am

I keep walking

And then I suddenly stop

For there stood an angel

A beauty draped in white

Covering her delicate frame

She smiled when she saw me

She made her way to me

 My heart rejoiced

My loneliness evaporated

The people around us seemed to freeze in time

She reached out to me, and took away my stick

She supported me, and we made our way

 I knew that no matter what she would be there for me

No matter the tragedy or the joy

My beautiful wife would never let me feel sorrow

We walked on

As the blossoms covered the roads we took

It seemed as if they would never end

Just like our love

A love that I have created

In my own world.

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