XIII (Last chapter)

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And I lived happily ever after

Everything froze.

"Let's get this party started, don't we!" I heard a gunshot.

Everything felt dark. I heard nothing, nothing at all. She jumped. She started falling.

She fell on the chairs. The shattering noise of the chairs breaking ringed in my ears. She fell.

"Y/N!" Bokuto ran to her, crying out her name. I couldn't move.

Terushima's laugh echoed in my ears. "She actually jumped! Look at her now. Your lucky Imaizumi. You found yourself an amazing wife."




Gunshots were all I heard. Nothing would move. I felt numb. I wasn't in control of my body.

"Iwaizumi!" Bokuto's shrieks brought me back. My entire body was shaking. I felt all the blood go to my head.

I ran to her. My hands were shaking violently. She was just laying there. This wasn't like her. Why wasn't she fighting back? This was nothing like her.

I grabbed her wound. I looked at her blood on my hand, I couldn't breathe.

"Iwaizumi." She whispered ever so slightly. My throat felt dry, I couldn't talk. She lifted her arm to my face.

I grabbed it, crying in it. She was going to be okay. She was strong, she's not going to die, I won't allow it.

"Y/n don't leave me, please don't leave me. I'm right here, you'll be fine. Keep your eyes open. Look at me. Don't leave. Please." She chuckled. "The beach is beautiful, take me." The soft words.

Her hand fell limp. "No. No. No. No. Y/N WAKE UP DON'T LEAVE ME! WAKE UP. PLEASE!"

I shook her face. Her eyes were closed. She wasn't moving anymore. Nothing, no reaction. I needed a reaction.

"Bokuto!" I desperately turned to him. He put pressure on the wound.

"Y/n don't leave me. Not yet y/n, we're going to go to the beach together. Don't leave. We'll all go together. Don't leave your family alone!" Bokuto cried.

"Family?" I gasped. "Y/n let's go to the beach, don't leave me. Please hold on. Your strong you could do this. Don't die on me, please don't." Bokuto paid no attention to me. Everything else was blurring out.

"Y/n you love me, don't you! Stay alive for me. PLEASE!" I opened her mouth. I started blowing. Two breaths.

I put all my weight on her chest. Fifteen times. The same process over and over.

"Boss. She's- Please stop." No. No. I wouldn't accept that. I couldn't. She couldn't leave me. We were going to go to the beach. We were going to be happily ever after. Just the two of us.

I was about to kiss her. We were actually going to get married. We were going to go to Japan together. Go to the beach together. She couldn't be done, just left.

Her white dress was stained in red. The red spread all over the dress. Her white dress now mixed with the red roses.

She wanted to go to the beach. I couldn't even do that. I wasn't going to stop. She wasn't dead yet. I wouldn't allow it.

"Boss, stop. Please!" Bokuto was violently shaking. He wasn't looking at her. I couldn't stop. I won't give up yet. Not yet. I can't give up. She needs me.

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